5 Places Across Campus To Take A Nap

The week may have gotten off to a good start, but sometimes there are days when we feel like we simply didn’t get enough sleep,be it from a late night or anxiety over the next day, or waking up feeling tired despite sleeping early the night prior. It happens to the best of us, but the fact that going to class and counting sheep is not the smartest thing to do. Today, we are going over what are the best places to take a nap around campus to get you rested for the day ahead.
Study Hall/ Room
Do you have that one class that doesn’t start another hour or two later? Your campus study hall is definitely the suitable place to take a nap on campus. You are more than likely to stay secluded from any disturbances or possible noise altogether. Unequivocally, the utter silence and the chances of you being caught taking long naps, to get you energized for the day, is very minimal. Just remind yourself to set an alarm so you don’t miss any classes, especially if you know you are a deep sleeper.
Other than the noise of pencils being etched on paper and the tapping from electronic devices, you should definitely be fine with taking a nap there. There are not too many interactions that should be taking place in the library. Unless you draw attention to yourself, such as snoring pretty loud, then might be more likely be noticed as the one person who everyone would be staring very awkwardly. Ultimately, you can’t blame other students for getting upset. It is the library after all. Still, if you can manage a quiet nap, the library is a good spot.
A Friends Dorm
If you are a student who doesn’t stay on campus in a dorm, maybe your friend might be kind enough to allow you to recharge in their room. Any college student will understand how tough it is to stay up all day and make it to the last class. Make sure that you just tidy up whenever you sleep in their room and always remember to thank them. You may never know when you might need to text your friend asking for a cat nap again.
If for some reason the study room isn’t available, taking a nap in the lounge can maybe work for you, but it also depends on the noise level as well. As you are taking a nap, you’ll probably continue hearing chatter and the barista brewing coffee, so it’s possible that you will wake up between naps. This isn’t the best place to take a lengthy nap, but let’s assume that you woke up perhaps too early and need a little push. Sleeping somewhere that could be a little noisy might work if the nap isn’t exceeding half an hour. It should probably be enough, considering that there’s moderate noise, for a quick nap.
Your Car
Maybe you simply don’t wanna bother anyone of your friends or you are slightly paranoid that someone might see you sleeping in the odd hours of the day. Taking naps in your car is also a perfect spot to get yourself up and running for the next class. Even though it may not be as comfortable like laying down in your bed at home, heading back home is a risky chance. There is no guarantee that you will make it to and from and make it to class on time. Also, assuming the traffic time and distance to return home would be such a hassle, it may not be the brightest idea if it means risking missing a class.