10 Pieces Of Freshman Advice To Follow In Your First Semester

There is no right way to get through your first year of college. There however, can be great freshman advise to follow as you step into your first semester.
Your first time away from home, being responsible and independent can turn out to be very different from what you thought about and discussed with your parents on your couch. Real life does not always run as planned, thus, here are 10 pieces of freshman advice to help you get through your first year of college.
Go to all orientations and get organized
Do you really need to attend yet another orientation? Yes!
The faster you know your way through the campus, the better prepared you will be for the times of need. Every orientation is a great way to meet other freshmen.
You’re now an adult, the sooner you start behaving like one, the more satisfied you will be.
Get involved on campus
A great solution to feeling out of the place and homesick is joining a group on campus. Indulging with organizations, clubs, sororities or fraternities, or sports teams could not only help you make new like-minded friends, but also explore, experiment and develop new skills, feeling more connected to your campus.
Spending a great deal of your time on campus will start making you feel more at home while being at school. It is a great idea to take advantage of any cultural and social events happening on campus.
Mingle with your roommates and others in the residence hall
Most of the people around you are likely to be going through a similar rush of emotions as you are being away from home, probably for the first time.
Initiate a conversation and try to know your roommates and other freshmen around you well. You sure are going to spend the next couple of years with this new bunch. Being welcoming and accepting to a variety of people and ideas could help you link with like-minded people.
The sooner you make some good friends, the merrier you will be for the remainder of your stay. However, be careful while letting someone close. Living away from home could get you immensely attached to your friends, which is great, as long as you do not get your heart broken or deviate from your goal.
Meet your professors and academic advisor
Just as much you might want to deny it, majority of learning takes place during class time. Tempting to miss that 8 a.m. class, planning catch up via the material usually posted online will never be a good idea. Several exam specifications, change in due dates and other important information could be missed upon skipping a class.
Make use of the office hours scheduled by your professors solely to meet with their students. A personal interaction with the professor could help them better understand your capabilities and weaknesses, to be able to better guide you.
Your academic advisor will be a key resource throughout your study. They will assist you with any course conflicts, adding or dropping courses, scheduling of classes for future semesters and deciding on majors and minors. Keeping in touch with them could make your life easier.
Find your ideal study spot(s)
Whatever your style of studying may be, finding yourself a perfect spot(s) in a new place is very important. After all, study is the main reason why you are there.
From your cozy dorm room to a quiet spot in the library or somewhere by the trail, whatever your preference be, try avoiding as many distractions as possible.
You may also reach out for the study resources on campus, like, learning tabs and tutors for any help required outside the class.
Your semester’s calendar
Prepare a calendar with all due dates and course requirements for the following semester. This will help you stay up to date without missing out on the important dates and information.
“I didn’t know the deadline’s today,” try not to use this phrase, and if you do, take it as a signal to start being attentive.
Earning good grades in college need to be worked for. Setting and meeting personal goals could help you simplify the process.
Seek a balance: Eat well, exercise right and study smart
Over the generations, college/university phase, globally, is known to be the best part of life. So, make the most of it while you are here.
College/university life is a balanced mixture of social and academic happenings. A healthy body truly is home to a healthy mind.
Without your mom and dad to serve your balanced meal, you are now in charge of your own nutrition intake. Cookies and fries at midnight could have been the thing you had eagerly been waiting for, but it really wouldn’t be a great idea for your body in the longer run.
Your choices define you. Eating healthy and exercising regularly will not only make you feel better and good about yourself, but will also immensely affect your concentration power.
Make a deal with homesickness
Even if  you were one of the kids who couldn’t wait to get away, you are bound to miss your family. Moving to a new city, province or even country by yourself could get challenging.
Find ways to calm and sooth yourself in times of homesickness. Making a phone/video call to your family, distrating your mind by doing something you love, or probably talking to a close friend could be good ways to comfort yourself.
Most college/universities also provide health and counseling services. These services exist as the feeling of isolation and depression is common among students. There must be no stigma while seeking yourself some help. You do not have to face these issues all by yourself.
Eventually consider an on-campus job
Growing up to be able to do anything, anytime you like comes with a huge load of responsibilities that grow with age.
You are probably having a blast, away from home for the first time, every night a sleepover and everyday a celebration. But the bitter truth of life is, it will not always be this way.
You may consider an on-campus, part-time position that could be a great exposure to professional working in a safe and considerate environment.
Its time you take responsibility of keeping track and managing your money right. Look for ways to stretch your money, making the best use of it. Avoid all those credit card solicitations that you soon will be receiving. Don’t let momentary happiness lead you into a debt.
Believe in yourself
With so much going on in your life right now, it is common to feel overwhelmed. Life is just getting started. There is so much lined up for you in the future that you have no idea about. Rainbows appear after mighty storms.
The trick to get through this is believing in yourself and being consistent in your work. You are not alone, almost everyone around you is or has gone through a very similar situation probably feeling like they were the only one.