8 Pieces Of Advice For When You Don’t Have Your Own Squad Yet

College is such an exciting time. So many new things to see, explore and learn. If you don’t stop and smell the roses, before you know it, it’s already time to graduate. One of the hardest things in college is finding a core group of friends- a.k.a your squad- when you are also trying to figure out the college lifestyle and the type of person and student you want to be while you are there. There isn’t one answer on how to find a great group of friends who will always have your back no matter what but here are some suggestions of ways to meet new people who could potentially become your friends, learn more about yourself and step out of your comfort zone. As I have learned, the best friendships develop from very random circumstances so enjoy the ride and be open to trying new things.
1. Rush a sorority or fraternity.
This is definitely not for everyone but even if you don’t end up getting a bid or continue that far in the rush process to even make it to bid night, this is a great way to meet many different types of people. This is also a good way to know if the sorority or fraternity life is right for you. One of my friends rushed during her second semester of college, ended up getting the bid and stayed in her sorority until she graduated. I know for her that it was a great choice and she even ended up getting a little who she still talks to today.
2. Join a club or organization.
Joining a club or organization is such a win win situation. You get to learn more about something that you love, be a part of something bigger than yourself and get to meet and work with people who have the same interests as you! I joined during my sophomore year a film club at my school and it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made! I met some great people who ended up becoming friends that still friends with today, got to create a short film with all of them and learn more about film all at the same time. To feel like you belong to something is a great feeling and looking back, you will appreciate all that you accomplished while being a part of that club or org.
3. Go to smaller school events so you will be able to get to talk to people.
Sometimes at your school (but I guess if you go to a big school this won’t apply to you) some events will only have a few people that attend granted, it being because of interest of the event or people just didn’t know about it. What’s great about these events is that to not make it feel as intimidating, this is a great way to talk to a couple of people and even some of them one on one to get to know them better. You never know who you will meet so keep an open mind and don’t try to overthink it.
4. Go to your CA or RA’s events and meet your neighbors!
Every so often, your CA or RA will host different events. Not just to meet new people but you can also meet some of your neighbors that you might have not had the chance to get to talk to yet! One of my best friends was my neighbor and being able to get to know her and just hang out when she was only a step away helped us form the friendship that we still have today.
5. Suggest an event that your RA could organize and you could help with it!
If you wanted to do an event that they haven’t done yet (for example like a movie night) RA’s and CA’s would love to help you organize an event since they have to host so many events as part of their job anyway. This is also a great opportunity to learn about hosting events if you want to become an RA down the road. You get to do something that you want to do, meet people in the same dorm as you and get to know your RA better which is definitely good!
6. Go to the gym or if your school offers it, exercise classes.
Sometimes, having to suffer through a workout or an exercise class with the same people is definitely a bonding experience. After a long day and a hard workout, might as well celebrate by getting some food right?!
7. Join a sports or intramural team.
When you are on a sports team, your teammates end up feeling like an extended part of your family. Since you are going to be around these people all the time, take the time to get to know them! You could develop long lasting friendships that exceed past when the season ends.
8. People from your class or in your major classes.
When you are in a class with someone, bonding over how awful the class is or trying to get through it is sometimes how friendships start unexpectedly. Being in group projects with people or just being in class with them in general can help you meet new people not just in general, but who are in your major too. Some of these people you will have a few classes with so might as well get to know them!
This can be hard especially if you are shy but it’s definitely worth it to try something new! I know at least a couple of these things helped me meet new people so hopefully they will help you too! These are just suggestions but if you step out of your comfort zone and truly try something new, even if you don’t get something out of it (like a friendship or a squad) you will grow as a person, learn from the experience and get to know who you are a little bit more. Your time at college really does fly by so just enjoy everything that it has to offer, meet as many people as you can and just enjoy it! You’ll regret it if you don’t.
Featured photo source: weheartit.com and customink.com

Games of Thrones and New Girl obsessed who loves everything having to do with media, film and dogs :)