15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At University of Delaware Tomorrow

I would argue that the 22,680 students enrolled at the University of Delaware didn’t commit only for the education, but for the beautiful sights the campus has to offer as well. Scroll through to see 15 pictures that will make you wish you were starting at University of Delaware tomorrow!
1. Let’s start with the basics.
We’ve got some beautiful architecture here at University of Delaware. Pictured here is Pearson Hall.
2. The perfect pick-me-up.
After a long day, we have fresh and delicious ice cream from our own creamery, UDairy!
3. Only 3 words needed:
Cute dogs everywhere!
4. What’s better than eating Chick-Fil-A?
Eating Chick-Fil-A under blue and gold neon lights at UD!
5. Running into Joe Biden at the dining hall?
6. UD’s ISE lab.
How could you not want to eat lunch outside here on a sunny, spring day?
7. The foliage.
This is the best sight to gaze at on an autumn day.
8. Our winters aren’t too shabby either.
9. The cherry blossom trees.
Fact: to know your morning consists of walking to class beneath Cherry Blossom trees makes it 100 times easier to get out of bed.
10. Look at that sky!
11. Oh, and this one!
12. Insert heart eyes here.
13. Even in the rain, University of Delaware shines!
14. Wouldn’t you love to relax on the green right about now?
15. Last, but certainly not least.
Imagine experiencing this as your formal induction into college?