15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At TCU Tomorrow

Going to school at Texas Christian University is a dream for many, and even for those who will be joining the Horned Frog family soon, these awesome Instagram pictures of TCU will make you wish you were starting tomorrow. In fact, they’ll probably have current students wish they were back on campus now during the summer! Unfortunately, classes don’t start for another three months, but get your fix of TCU here to make the wait less painful.
1. Our great founders, Addison and Ralph Clark
Thanks to them, TCU has become the amazing institution it is today!
2. Sunny day at Frog Fountain and dogs dressed up
Ready for formal? Yes please!
3. Wow, Amon G. Carter Stadium never fails to disappoint
First home game is back here on September 2nd against the Jackson State Tigers!
4. Frog Fountain is beautiful from all angles
And that’s how it’s seen from all over campus as students walk from class to class.
5. SuperFrog in the Schollimaier Arena?
Talk about a sight for sore eyes!
6. Mary Couts Library, AKA Club Lib
The best and the worst of each semester happen right here.
7. Another dog with Super Frog?
If you couldn’t tell by now, TCU is a very dog friendly campus.
8. A perfect sunset on a perfect campus
Who wouldn’t want to see this view while walking home from class each day?
9. This is like the main ‘welcome’ sign to campus
Perfectly set in front of Sadler Hall and the flags, and always beautiful with new and budding flowers.
10. An up-high view of campus
Shows just how many trees are around TCU.
11. The arch between Marion and PE Clark acts as an entrance to Greek Village
Where 50% of students are members of a house.
12. Swing your way to a 4.0!
The tree-hung swing in front of Jarvis Hall is the perfect study break on a beautiful day.
13. Legend has it that rubbing this Horned Frog statue’s nose will bring you good luck!
Make sure to make a pit stop here before any hard exams.
14. Everybody loves a good game of late-night sand volleyball
Right outside of the Campus Recreation Center!
15. A spectacular view from the Commons of the firework display over Scharbauer Hall and Frog Fountain the night before graduation…
Four years of hard work is worth seeing this!