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15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Clemson University Tomorrow

15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Clemson University Tomorrow

15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Clemson University Tomorrow

It was spring of my senior year of high school. Acceptance letters were flooding in and all the sudden it hit me- I need to pick a place to live for the next four years of my life. How was I supposed to know what school had the best program for my major or where I’d be happiest? But as soon as I stepped on Clemson University’s gorgeous campus I knew where I belonged. If you haven’t already picked your future home these 15 pictures of Clemson University will for sure convince you to start school tomorrow!

1. The Amphitheatre.

The Amphitheatre is a great place to study on a warm South Carolina day.



2. The sunflower garden.

These beautiful yellow flowers make the perfect background for any Instagram picture!


3. The iconic Tilman Hall.

If you’ve been to Clemson, you will most definitely recognize this iconic building. It is the most instagrammed place on campus and by far the most beautiful in my opinion! I love hearing the bells on my way to class playing anything from Disney’s Wish Upon a Star to the Harry Potter theme song.



4. Kayaking on Lake Hartwell.

On any sunny weekend, students love to head out to the lake and use the kayaks that the university owns for free! You will for sure catch some awesome views along the way.




5. Cooper Library (the place to pull an all-nighter).

Even though the library is a place we all dread spending our nights in, I can’t deny how beautiful it is.



6. DEATH VALLEY – home to the 25 most exciting seconds in college football.

There is nothing that will make you want to come to Clemson more than attending a football game. Clemson games are unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed before. The excitement, energy, and pride that fills the stadium each time is explainable.


7. The Clemson University sign.

This is the most common place for newly accepted students to post on social media announcing their decision to attend Clemson. Post a pic here when you decide to come!



8. Tiger Prowl.

Tiger Prowl is the first real event you’ll attend as a student. All of the clubs have booths and you can sign up for literally anything you want! Warning: it does get a little overwhelming because there is SO many clubs and organizations on campus, but it is definitely a way you can start getting involved! And of course, we spell out Clemson on the football field to welcome new students.



9. Clemson in the winter.

When we are lucky enough to get a dusting of snow, the Clemson campus becomes even more beautiful! Bonus: classes will probably be cancelled because South Carolinian’s are terrified of the snow.


10. Falling for Clemson.

When the leaves begin to change on campus, it is truly an amazing sight. The fall leaves make walking from class to class tolerable.



11. GAME DAY!!

Here’s another picture of  a Clemson football game because they are just that awesome.

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12. Spring into Clemson.

Every season is beautiful in Clemson TBH.



13. Beautiful Clemson sunsets.

Why are Clemson colors purple and orange? Because every evening the sky turns into a beautiful collage of orange and purple as the sun goes down.




14. Y Beach.

Need a break from studying? Y-beach is the perfect place to kick back and relax.


15. President’s Park.

The best place for a walk to clear your head.



For more pictures of Clemson’s beautiful campus follow @society19_clemson on Instagram!

What are your favorite pictures of Clemson University? Share in the comments below!
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