15 Pictures That Prove Why Being A Seminole Is The Best

The architecture, the people, the spirit. Those are only three of the millions of reasons why being a Seminole is the best. There’s a reason why the Seminoles run Florida! No matter who you are (even if you’re a Gators fan), you’ll fall in love with FSU through these 15 pictures.
1. Westcott Fountain
Westcott Fountain is a symbol of FSU heritage. It’s one of the many beautiful spots on campus, especially at night when the fountain lights up. Even better, it’s tradition at FSU to be dumped into Westcott on your 21st birthday!
2. Landis Green
Probably the most beautiful patch of grass you’ll ever see.
3. By the way, all our fountains are registered swimming pools!
Does it get any better than that?
4. Our Stadium
Fun Fact: FSU’s stadium is the second largest continuous brick structure in the United States.
5. Our Spear-it
Seminoles are honored to be Seminoles and it shows in our unconquered spirit. We are proud to wear garnet and gold and we won’t let anyone forget it!
6. The FSU Community
FSU is a united community full of love. The friends you make at FSU are friends you’re going to have for life!
7. And the #Nolemates
First, you fall in love with your school and then everything else just falls into place.
8. Strozier Library
If you haven’t ‘partied’ all night at Club Stroz, do you really go to FSU?
9. The Integration Statue
FSU has many symbolic statues, but the Integration Statue is one of the most important because of the history it represents. Featured in the statue are the first African-American to graduate from FSU, the first African-American to wear a FSU athletic uniform, and the first African-American to be voted as FSU’s homecoming princess. The statue symbolizes the efforts of the students who made FSU the diverse school it is today.
10. Our Athletes
Three of FSU’s athletic programs finished in the top four of the nation in 2015-2016. There’s a reason we’re known for our athletics!
11. We Bleed Garnet and Gold
Name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait.
12. Campus Rec
Name any kind of activity and FSU probably has a program for it!
13. Rez Life
Ah, our own private reservation where the only Gators that can bother us are the ones with scales (just kidding).
14. The Leach
100 cardiovascular machines, 6,500 lbs. of dumbbells, 3 basketball courts, 5 racquetball courts, an indoor track, a swimming pool, and a spa? It’s kind of hard to top that.
15. Our War Chant
Chopping is an art form all FSU students have mastery in.
Featured photo source: instagram.com and storify.com

World traveler, dreamer, and professional napper.