13 Pictures That Will Make You Want To Visit Northern Michigan

They say you don’t know what you got until it’s gone. Boy do I feel that about now. Reminiscing over my summer gives me serious back home feels. My hometown is a small city by the name of Traverse City. From Food to friends to festivals to even drinks my town was a beautiful small getaway from hectic Grand Rapids. Here are 15 Pictures that will make you want to visit Northern Michigan.
1. Gorgeous views that will make you want to enjoy summers taking part in water sports or just tanning at the beach with friends.
Lake Michigan is sure to have you in awe.
2. Every year during August we have what is called the Northwestern Michigan Fair.
It is a fun time to take your friends out for rides or just to walk around and visit an array of animals.
3. Pyramid Point is everyone’s favorite spot to take selfies and enjoy views worth hiking for.
Right in the heart of Glen Arbor this is sure to be a spot for a mini vacay.
4. Fish town Leland is a home away from home.
Filled with plenty of small cute shops and fish fresher than the air you’ll for sure want to make the drive.
5. Cherry Festival is during the month of July and attracts people from all over Michigan sometimes even the country.
6. Suttons Bay “Garden of Glass”
7. Talk Birdie to me.
Disk Golfing is life and Hickory Hills has got you covered.
8. Northern Michigan has many wineries and breweries/cider houses to visit.
9. Sunflowers in between Traverse city and Elk Rapids.
10. During August make people gather for Traverse city’s film fest!
11. Friday Night Live is a time where all the vendors in Traverse city gather and there is great music and food galore.
Anyone can have a booth set up, just contact them ahead of time!
12. A gobbler from Mary’s Kitchen Port will be your go to lunch .
The sandwich to keep you coming back gobblers are sure to satisfy!
13. Northern Michigan has many breweries to visit and North Peak is a great spot for food as well.
Perfect for date nights or just getting a bite to eat for lunch North Peak is a winner.