15 Pictures Of VT That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School Tomorrow

Congratulations! You’re officially a Hokie! Now, there’s plenty of time to plan out your dorm room, buy lots of Virginia Tech merchandise, meet your classmates online, check out student-run organizations, and educate yourself on all the Hokie trivia. But to get you really amped up for the next four years ahead, here are 15 pictures of VT that will make you want to start the semester ASAP!
1. Give a Hokie Hokie Hokie Hi!
This main entrance to the campus invites you to the beginning of your post-secondary education. And as a newly-admitted Hokie, you’ll be expected learn this chant inside and out.
2. Center for the Arts
The Moss Arts Center is the main building for the Schools of Visual and Performing Arts. It’s exhibits and shows, as well as it’s sleek and modern design, makes it a great university attraction.
3. From the Horizon
You can see the sun rise and fall from just about anywhere on campus, who doesn’t love that?
4. Trail Blazing
Although not associated with the campus itself, Blacksburg has many hiking trails and scenic overlooks that are simply breathtaking.
5. A Sweet Escape
The University’s Duck Pond combines the enchanting atmosphere of the forest with the familiarity of the campus. It’s the perfect place to unwind and relax, especially when the sun’s out.
6. Perfect Timing
Apart from it’s well-known appearances at home sports games, the Hokiebird is bound to be involved in every event happening nearby.
7. More than Just a Degree
At VT, we know how to make learning way cooler than just sitting at a desk and taking notes, no matter what major you’re in. This post by the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute’s Robel Lab is of a microscopic picture of our brain cells reacting to a head injury.
8. Livin’ the Greek Life
Virginia Tech’s Greek organizations truly embody what it means to be supportive, caring and loyal to your friends – in this case, your brothers and sisters.
9. *Enter Sandman*
Whether it’s being hoisted in the air during every touchdown, planning your game day outfit, or taking selfies with the Hokiebird, every home football game will feel just as exhilarating as the last.
10. Hokies Make a Difference
Abiding by the university motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), every member of the Hokie Nation has a unique way of making a difference on campus and in the community.
11. You name it, we got it.
With hundreds of different clubs, a weekly meeting about your undying love for chocolate milk, and a massive ball pit housed in West AJ, Virginia Tech is sure to fit everyone’s wants and needs.
12. Rated C for Cuteness
No matter what the occasion, there’s bound to be dogs…
13. Lighting a Spark
And what better way to say “welcome home” than late night fireworks?
14. Hokies United
The Hokie Nation has become more united than ever following the tragic loss of 32 university students and faculty back in 2007. Since then, the university has spread awareness and honored them by holding the university’s annual Remembrance Day. (Fun fact: this past year was the 10th anniversary!)
15. This is Home
Everyone on campus knows this phrase; it serves as a reminder and a promise that VT will always feel like a second home.