15 Pictures Of KU That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School Tomorrow

Instagram is the easiest way to feel a serious case of FOMO. While most incoming freshmen are probably seeing photos from summer vacations, and thinking about the tropical adventure they could be on, I am solely looking at KU photos. I see the girls sorority photos, snaps from games, and even just cute selfies tagged on campus, which all make me incredibly jealous of all the students who already get to call Lawrence their second home. My Instagram envy comes from seeing Kansas photos and after reading this post you will understand why. Here are 15 pictures of KU that will make EVERYONE wish they were starting at the University of Kansas tomorrow!
1. Campus is picture perfect
2. Dogs love it
3. We have the cutest mascot
4. People love working there
5. Roomies love each other
6. Football is spirited
7. Our teams have beautiful facilities
8. Greek life is a big deal
9. Orientation is actually fun
10. We have great weather
11. (Again!) Our campus is BEAUTIFUL
12. We swim in fountains
13. Graduation is a big deal
14. We have yummy treats
15. We know how to have fun
Do you have any other pictures of KU that make you miss school? Let us know down below!
Featured image source: kansasadpi.tumblr.com

Isabella was born and raised in San Francisco but will be a member of the class of 2021 at the University of Kansas. She is majoring in political science and hopes to pursue a career in policy. She hopes to rush a sorority and cheer on the Jayhawks at every game.