20 Pictures Of Food That Will Have You Feeling Inspired

Scrolling through the food-side of Pinterest will easily make you hungry, and inspire you to get to your own kitchen and make something equally as beautiful and delicious. Here are some photos to inspire you the next time you find yourself in a kitchen with no ideas of what to make.
The bright colors of this breakfast are incredible. And the heart shaped waffles? Is there anything cuter? I also don’t think I’ve ever seen an egg in a stand like that in any place other than a movie. I love it.
Toast on toast on toast! These aren’t your typical toasts with butter on them. These toasts are much more fun, and are sure to add much more character to your morning. If I was eating these for breakfast, I would definitely look forward to breakfast every morning.
Now THIS is a sweet breakfast. This would definitely not be a before-school-friendly breakfast, but on a Sunday morning, this is like the ideal breakfast to wake up to. I’m not sure what that chocolate pie is, but whatever it is, it looks delicious. And those croissants I bet are so soft and perfect.
First of all, I can’t get over the perfect aesthetic of that avocado. And the little halved tomatoes add a terrific pop of color to the plate. I bet the spices on the shrimp are delicious, and likely match the taste of what I’m assuming is zucchini and tomato and avocado well.
I think that’s a piece of pizza? Regardless of what it is, it looks delicious. And the little container of just pretzels is the cutest thing. It’s like just enough! This is the grown up version of a lunchable and I love it. In the middle of a work day, I would love nothing more than to be able to enjoy this.
The greens in this dish are incredible. From the lettuce to the cucumber to the salad, this dish is guaranteed to make you feel great after. And to top it off, a nice half of a corn on the cob.
If there is one thing I love, is a pan full of pasta and fun things mixed in with it. This dish looks like it would be a delicious dinner, paired with a nice garlic bread and glass of wine. The leftovers that this pan of pasta would offer is incredible.
This was listed on Pinterest as a Thanksgiving meal, and if my Thanksgiving meal looked like this, I would be thankful all year. Not only are all the dishes in this picture perfectly plated, but the plate has a great aesthetic to it.
This lo mein looks so delicious. I’ve never made it at home, but I can only imagine how perfectly seasoned the noodles are, and the broccoli and carrots are perfect vegetable additions.
You can’t tell me these aren’t all the ideal appetizers. Something about this screams Football Sunday, from the sliders to the wings to the nachos. From the looks of this spread, I imagine I would be full by dinner time.
I don’t know what exactly this concoction is, but from the guacamole in the center, it appears to me like it’s one big taco bread. Image dipping one of those pieces into the guacamole in the center? Perfection!
These little banana bites are the perfect snack for throughout the work day. I love that there is a little peanut butter in the middle, and then the added sweetness of the chocolate makes this a perfect snack on all levels.
These whoopie pies are better than the store bought ones for so many reasons. The chocolate is actually brownie, and the inside has peppermint filling. This would be the perfect dessert to bring to your next holiday party.
Not only does this dessert look delicious, but I love how aesthetically pleasing it is. Some might describe this as a summer dessert, but I would easily eat this all year round. The bright reds of all the fruits make this dessert feel healthy, and what more could you want in a dessert!
This cheesecake is simple, but looks like it is just enough for a great after-dinner dessert. I love the garnish of the fruits on top, as opposed to being baked into it or as a sauce on top. I think it’s great how they remain relatively seperate, not only for aesthetic but for taste, allowing people to pick and chose what they want on their cheesecakes. This is a dessert I could definitely make.
I’m pretty sure those are peanut butter chips, and I love the combination of those with chocolate chips. Just thinking of that combination is making me crave a Reeses. I am usually not a huge fan of pie, but looking at this picture makes me crave a piece like this. I love that it isn’t perfectly cut and is sort of messy, which often is the better dessert. The heavy whipped cream is the perfect topping to this pie, along with of course the delicious chips.
Grapefruit is a great flavor, and tastes even better when mixed in a cocktail. I love the addition of the grapefruit slices on the rims of the glasses. It brings the flavor of the juice to the next level by bringing out the fresh fruit. They’re so pretty!
These drinks are Instagram-worthy for sure. I love the corresponding straws to all of them, and know that there’s a ton of these for a reason: Once people start drinking, I’m sure people will continue to want to keep grabbing for more.
These margaritas are such fun colors, especially the bright blue ones! I’m dying to know what flavor they are. Seeing the bright colors of these margs definitely has me inspired to shake up some drinks.
The versatility in this picture is incredible. There are so many fun colors, fresh flavors and exciting drinks in this picture, and it definitely has me inspired to go out for some drinks with friends.