19 Pictures of Cuddling Puppies To Get You Through Finals

Finals week is a VERY stressful time for college students, but it’s an important time to be considerate of each other’s feelings. Let’s face it, we’re all having mental breakdowns and panic attacks inside. If you are one of those who really just can’t handle it anymore and you’re thinking about dropping out once and for all, just take a look at these 19 REALLY cute, peaceful, cuddling puppies that have no cares in the world, and just pretend you’re them for a little. It’s the best de-stressing technique out there.
1. This adorable little guy is loving his teddy.
2. These cuddling puppies are definitely having some sweet dreams.
3. These guys are just trying to spread some love.
4. This lucky baby is wrapped in a Bulldog blanket!
5. Now that’s some golden snuggling right there.
6. This friendship is certainly unusual… and definitely adorable.
7. What a happy bulldog family.
8. Sleepy snuggles are the best snuggles.
9. This little wiener dog is definitely safe and sound with his cuddle buddy.
10. These two red heads are the sweetest.
11. This cat has nothing to worry about with Retrievers by her side.
12. Pugs Bunny… like Bugs Bunny. Get it? Ha.
13. Sometimes you just need a hug.
14. This dog will give you a shoulder to cry on.
15. The smile on this little pup says it all.
16. These four Huskys are the cutest and sleepiest pups around.
17. These cuddling puppies are as adorable as they are sleepy.
18. Night night, puppers!
19. This friendship looks a little forced, but it’s adorable nonetheless.
Do you have any other adorable cuddling puppies? Share below!Featured image source: Pinterest
Featured image source: Pinterest

i am 19 and attend hofstra university, my passions include the beach, the ocean, loving, puppies, writing, reading, and baking cookies from scratch. i hope to someday have a novel published and be successful. i really enjoy sharing my ideas and thoughts to the world!