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14 Pictures That Will Make Your Day Better As Seen On Temple’s Campus

14 Pictures That Will Make Your Day Better As Seen On Temple’s Campus


Finals week is coming up, so a visual pick-me-up is definitely called for (and a bit of healthy procrastination to keep you sane). There are plenty of pictures at Temple taken on and off campus that will put a smile on your face.Keep scrolling for little snapshots of happiness that’ll make your day better.

1. Starting Off the Day Right!

Richie’s is a campus favorite, especially among those who want to grab a delicious and quick breakfast before hitting their 9 am class. This breakfast bagel, complete with egg and bacon and cheesy goodness, is sure to make any foodie (or any hungry student) smile.



2. #BrazenUrbanNinjaSquirrel

For those of you who are, frankly, freaked out by the chubby and fearless squirrels on campus, I apologize. For the others who, like me, find these little chubby, hungry fur-balls cute and funny, enjoy this pic of a lil’ cutie munching on some lunch!


3. Crab Fries: Snacks for Champions

There is nothing better than a bucket of delicious crab fries from Chickie and Pete’s at a Temple football game. Don’t forget the cup of delicious white cheese dip! These are the snacks of champions because Temple Owls are the best. Period.



4. When Morgan Hall Blesses Your Eyes with a Sunset

Life gets busy, but make sure to look out the window once in a while and see the gorgeous sun setting on the city you love the most.



5. An Alternative When You’re Feeling Healthy AF

While dining hall food could be better and meals from the food trucks are delicious, it’s nice to find a healthy alternative once in a while. The long-awaited honeygrow opened earlier this semester right at the lower level of Morgan Hall. Now you can grab a salad today and not feel bad about your cheat day tomorrow!


6. No Such Thing as Too Much Cake

Remember this delicious monstrosity at the SAC during Homecoming week? While the lines were long, a thick slice of vanilla cake and super sweet frosting definitely made everyone’s day better. Who doesn’t love free cake? Let’s hope for another giant dessert next semester!



7. Let This City Light Up Your Smile

There’s nothing like the city lit up beautifully at night to bring a smile to your face. Philadelphia is gorgeous, especially at night.



8. This Pup is Majoring in Cuteness

Enjoy this adorable puppy doing a very good job at being cute.


9. When in Doubt, Eat Cookies

Nothing like a big scoop of ice cream sandwiched between the best cookies on Earth. If you haven’t tasted an Insomnia cookie, you haven’t lived.



10. Another Way to Start The Day Right!

If you ever pass by the Bagel Hut on your way to your morning class, you’ll definitely smell an amazing mix of toasted bagels, cinnamon, and cream cheese. Mmm…mmm…mmm…

See Also



11. The Bell Tower

It’s pretty much the center of campus, and you may pass by it a dozen times a day without looking twice. Once in a while, though, when the sky turns a mix of beautiful colors, it’s suddenly one of the nicest things you’ve seen (aside from food and puppies, of course).



12. This Lil’ Cutie Patootie

Puppies on campus are always the best. Don’t you wanna cuddle him?? One of my favorite pictures at Temple!


13. Majestic Stella

Our mascot has the cutest, silliest face around, even when she’s trying to be serious.



14. When Temple is More Than Instagram-worthy

USA Today confirmed that Temple is the most Instagrammed university. I mean, it’s pretty obvious…we’re gorgeous people living on a gorgeous campus.


What are your favorite pictures at Temple? Comment below and share the article!
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