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Your Perfect College Major Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your Perfect College Major Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Choosing your perfect college major. It's a big life decision, so why not take some advice from something bigger than yourself - your star sign!

Are you struggling to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life? We’ve all been there. It’s hard being a teenager in high school, or even a college student, and being forced to decide what you want to do in life that will make you happy and allow you to live a comfortable life. Well, struggle no more. Just look to the stars for your perfect college major. Your sign says a lot about you, so you really can’t go wrong by listening to it.

Aries – Performing Arts or Business

As an Aries, you love the spotlight and you love to be number one, but you work hard for it. That’s what would make performing arts a great career path for you being that you’re courageous and enjoy being on stage. However, business would also be a great choice because you have a ton of great ideas and aren’t afraid to take risks and try new things. Also, the independence and chance at being your own boss that this career could give you is a nice bonus.


Taurus – Finance, Interior Design, or Photography

You are the sign of the bull, Taurus, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence that there is a big statue of one right in the heart of the Financial District in NYC. You are hard-working and smart with money–two traits of which would make you a perfect fit in the finance world. However, if you think that’s totally wrong, a career in interior design would also fit you well, as you have an eye for beauty–which is also what would make photography an excellent choice for you, as well.

Gemini – Journalism or Marketing

You are incredibly curious and always questioning, Gemini, which is what would make journalism a great career choice for you. However, marketing would be something to consider, as well. You’re creative and a great conversationalist, so you will excel at helping businesses grow.


Cancer – Education, Medicine, or Hospitality and Tourism

One of the best things about you, Cancer, is that you love to help others. You are also very responsible, making education an excellent choice for you. However, you are great at taking care of others, so a career in the medical field would also suit you well (doctor, nurse, physical therapist, you can take your pick). But, if the medical field isn’t for you, you can still help others just in a different way in a career in hospitality and tourism.


Leo – Political Science, Education, or Performing Arts

You are a natural born leader, Leo, so you should look for careers that fit that. Political science will be the perfect college major to set you up for a role in the government (you just may be a future president). But, if that sounds a little too intense for you, careers in education or performing arts will also satisfy your love of attention and being up in front of people.

Virgo – Accounting or Criminal Justice

You are a perfectionist, Virgo, with an excellent attention to detail. Those traits would make you a very successful accountant. But, if that sounds too boring for you, you would also make a fantastic detective!


Libra – Law or Journalism

You are great at seeing both sides of the story, Libra, which would make you a great judge or lawyer. However, journalism would also be a great choice as your perfect college major since you know how to be unbiased.


Scorpio – Finance, Medicine, or Psychology

You are great with money, Scorpio, which is what would make finance a perfect college majo for you. However, you are also a quick thinker and work well under pressure, so you would also excel in a career in medicine. You are also great at getting people to talk and are very discrete, which would make you a perfect fit for a career in psychology, as well.

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Sagittarius – Business or Photography

Your ideal job would allow you to travel the world, which is what would make either of these careers a great choice for you. You could start your own company or work for an international company, which would allow you to travel a lot. However, you’d also get to travel a lot in a career in photography. You could start a photography Instagram account, start by traveling on your own dime to get your account started, and then as you gain followers your chances of getting sponsored by a hotel or travel company increases greatly. Before you know it, you’ll be traveling all over, documenting the world, and living your best life.

Capricorn – Computer Programming, Chemistry, Accounting, or Engineering

You have a real talent for understanding numbers, shapes, and formulas. You also have a great attention to detail. All of those traits are what would make you the perfect fit for any of these careers. Your perfect college major could be anything technical.


Aquarius – Business, Education, or Aviation

You are a natural leader, Aquarius, and might even want to start your own company one day. That is why business would be a great career choice for you. However, schools would also love your motivational and leadership skills to help shape young minds, so you might also want to consider a career in education. But, if neither of those careers sound like something you’d be interested in, consider aviation. Your sign normally wouldn’t be happy with a boring 9-5 desk job, anyway, and I can’t think of a more unique office than sitting 30,000 feet in the sky.


Pisces – Photography, Fashion Design, Medicine, or Psychology

You are incredibly creative, Pisces, and have fantastic artistic abilities and style, which is what would make you a perfect fit for a career in photography, fashion design, and even interior design. However, you also are very compassionate and have a strong desire to heal others, so a career as a doctor, nurse, physical therapist, or psychologist would also suit you well.

What’s your perfect college major? Does it match your sign? Let us know in the comments!