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10 People You’ll Always Run Into At University of Iowa

10 People You’ll Always Run Into At University of Iowa

College can be intimidating if you don't know what to expect. So, here are 20 things no one tells you about freshman year at University of Iowa!

Our school is full of lots of students, but no matter where you go, these are the types of people you’ll always run into at University of Iowa.

1. Party animal

Who knows every party in town and you can never catch them on the weekend.

2. The girl who study hard and PARTY even harder

She might spend all her weekdays in the library looking miserable, but when the weekend comes she is the sexiest and craziest at parties.


3. The “Pre-Professional”

The future doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, and etc. The only thing they care about is graduate school and MCAT, PCAT, and etc.


4. The sorority girl and frat boy

Who is all about frats and takes the greek always to the next level.


5. The slacker

Who doesn’t care about anything and complaining about every class.

6. The “Know-it-all”

Who brags and tell you how she/he have all her/his life together. But actually, DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?!?

7. The student-athlete

The popular and good looking athlete that is a full ride and has training almost all the time.

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8. The A-nagger

Who is constantly complaining and arguing about their grades even if they are still getting A/A-



9. The rich kid

Pull up every day to school with BMW, Mustang, Lexus, and all the other luxurious car.

10. The homesick

Consistently waiting for a break and asking to go home everyday.

Are there any other types of people you’ll always run into at University of Iowa? Comment below!
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