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10 People You’ll Always Run Into At The University Of Alabama

10 People You’ll Always Run Into At The University Of Alabama

Spending a day on the University of Alabama campus, you constantly see the same people, whether it’s on your way to class or at a party. Keep reading for the ten people you’ll always run into at The University of Alabama. Which one are you?!

1. The Athlete

Athletes on campus are not difficult to miss. When the guy who has to duck his head in order to enter your classroom shows up, you know he’s an athlete. Football players? Just keep an eye out for those Championship rings. Yes, plural.

2. The Put Together Student

While you are rushing to class, forgot your glasses at home, and spilled coffee on your shirt, there is the one perfect student fully organized in the front of the classroom. Once you finally get to your unassigned-assigned seat, you look over at her with a little bit of jealousy and some major respect.



3. Sorority Girl

Big t-shirt with sorority letters on the frocket, Nike running shorts, and ray bans? You’re looking at the typical sorority girl! Probably raving about their most recent swap or complaining about the length of chapter, you won’t go a day on the campus of Alabama without seeing a sorority girl!

4. Business Baller

Everyone knows that one big-shot that comes to an 8 a.m. class dressed in a full suit. Meanwhile you’re over in the corner with the shirt you fell asleep in the night before and a bun on your head, still recovering from the night before. Major props to you, business guy. I spire to be you one day, but for now I need hella water and breakfast.


5. Last Night’s Regret

Everyone’s biggest nightmare, seeing the person you were flirting with the night before in broad daylight. When passing each other on the quad you wonder if you should acknowledge their presence or maybe it’s a better idea to act like your texting when in reality your phone is dead. The decision must be made in a moment’s notice, but no matter what, so awkward.

6. Frat Guy

If there are sorority girls, there have to be fraternity boys! Living in mansions in the heart of the South, Alabama fraternity boys typically have a confident, to-do aura about them. Although, all fraternity boys are not the same, they typically dress like it. Catch them rocking their fraternity letters and a baseball cap, inviting all the girls I class to their upcoming band party.


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7. Biggest Fan

Everyone at the University of Alabama is an Alabama Football fan. However, some fans show more spirit than others. Every day on campus, you will see at least one student decked out in all Bama gear. Hat, shirt, shorts, even socks all covered in crimson and white. Roll Tide, am I right?

8. Mortal Enemy

Isn’t it ironic how the person you want to see the least is always the person you see the most? That’s right, your mortal enemy always pops up at the same place at the same time as you for reasons that one can only attribute to magic… or really terrible luck. Not all the people you’ll always run into at The University of Alabama are people you want to see.


9. Awkward Acquaintance

You know that one person that you talked to a few times in class your first semester of freshman year? The one that you somehow manage to run into all the time? That’s your awkward acquaintance. For whatever reason, the short “how have you been” exchange is more uncomfortable than a short elevator conversation.

10. Nick Saban

If only… But hey, a girl can dream right?!

Are there other types of people you’ll always run into at The University of Alabama? Comment below and share the article!
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