10 People You Will Always Run Into At The University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill

10 People You Will Always Run Into At The University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill

From South Campus to Franklin Street, there are just certain people you will always run into at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They’re in your classes, in the gym, dining hall, they’re everywhere! Keep reading to find out all of the different types of people.

1. The blue polo, khaki wearing UNC Hospital Volunteers.

The UNC Medical Center is one of the central areas on campus, making it a prime spot for hopeful medical students to volunteer. While it can be easy for them to go unnoticed, once you detect one of them, they pop up everywhere.

2. The precious Jimmy Johns delivery person who always saves the day.

Trying to survive all-nighters and rainy weather, it can be hard to make the trek to Rams Head or Lenoir. Thankfully, we have the hard working delivery bike rider speeding around campus saving one lazy, hungry student at a time.



3. The best basketball players in the NCAA.

Sports and Carolina Blue go hand in hand. These Tar Heels may slay it on the court, but here on campus they get their Chick-Fil-A from BOL like everyone else.



4. Carol Folt

The real campus celebrity, it is always a treat take a selfie with our proud leader on the way to class.

5. The activists of the day.

UNC is known for its strong liberal atmosphere. So, it is not surprising to come across various forms protesters or activists in the quad who are eager for you to sign their petition.

6. Northerners who refuse to wear pants.

About 21% of undergrad students are out-state, which also means 21% don’t know how to dress for Carolina winter. The most prominent of these students are those from the North who often scoff at those too weak to handle NC’s “mild” winters.



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7. Not so good ‘ole Pit Preacher Gary

Gary can often be found in the quad or in the pit with his infamous sign. The only perk of Gary is the great Halloween costumes he inspires.


8. Pit Sitters (@CFK)

The dedicated members of organizations stake out the Pit to promote their various events to unsuspecting students on their way to Lenoir. The most enthusiastic of these is Carolina for the Kids when they promote their dance marathon. It is literally impossible their outreach team, no matter how hard you try (it’s one of the reasons they are one of the biggest charities on campus)

9. COMP 110 Students

Thanks to Professor Kris Jordan, to programming has never been more entertaining and engaging. In only a span of a year, it is hard to not see a laptop without COMP 110’s iconic sticker that shows they successfully finished a general education class. Now if only Chem 101 had stickers, maybe students would be more motivated to be chemists.

10. Your precious unicorn!

Out of almost 30,000 students, there is always going to be a least one person you always see around campus. You never know their name, where they are from, nor the sound of their voice, but by golly from the beginning of freshman year to graduation you see them everywhere.



Featured photo source: favim.com and nconlinenews.com