10 People You Will Always Run Into At The University Of California Davis

When people think of UC Davis they often picture a school of aggie lovers, animal freaks and hardcore science nerds. Although you’re not completely wrong, there’s more to it then that. Here is a list of the 10 people you will always run into at The University of California Davis throughout the course of your day.
1. The Annoying Kid on Your Floor
Warning: in the beginning, you will be excited to have new friends on the floor. However, one of your new “friends” might not be what you bargained for. This guy is known for appearing at the most inconvenient of times and always overstaying his welcome. You know the one I’m talking about. The one who is always one step behind you no matter your destination, constantly appears and lingers in your open doorway (often just watching the conversation). No added significance, but presence is very obnoxious. They’re the reason you close your door.
2. The Guy You’d Take Home to Meet the Parents
Davis is a breeding ground for some of the nicest people on the planet, I swear. This guy is the sincerest guy you’ll meet. He’s so nice that at first you just don’t understand how it possible and even go as far as to question his motives. He loves the outdoors and is always ready for an adventure. You can catch him coming back from the ARC after rock climbing or talking about his sick Tahoe weekend ski trips. He will never say anything bad about someone else, even if he thinks it. Your mom would love him.
3. The Cute Guy That’s Taken
Every cute guy in Davis is either wifed up or going to be soon, so act fast and grab the first hottie you see. Seriously, within the first week of school all the hot guys are taken. And the ones that aren’t taken are the ones that have long distance relationships with “amazing” girlfriends who live either a block away (seriously- Davis High School) or another state. Since every guy here is so damn nice, they will stay loyal, despite your home wrecking impulses. Don’t be surprised if the guy that rejected you suddenly appears everywhere you go. Coho? DC? He’s there. And if you’re on the hunt for a cute (hopefully single) guy? Go to the ARC.
4. The Negative Frat Reject
Takes every chance they get to bash Greek life, due to their own failure of joining one of the easiest campus activities. This often leads to their binge drinking in the dorms to avoid the closed exchanges and overcrowded open parties. When he does have a chance to go out it’s usually to an open baseball party, which consists of 50 million sweaty people packed into one room, which he will try to convince you was loads of fun. So mostly he stays in and gets wasted instead. Makes for great entertainment. Almost always the guy who is caught the most. (This is the kid who is homies with Becca. If you know, you know)
5. The Frantic Frazzled Girl
Her presence stresses you out. She almost always has a million things to do within the next 24 hours and is behind on all of them. Often dramatic and exhausting. Can tell when the day has been particularly rough depending on the amount of coffee stains and fly away papers she is carrying. Very sweet, very busy. You’ll catch her at the CoHo guzzling coffee and in the dorm lounge, studying into the early morning hours.
6. The Hum/Soc/Undeclared Kids
Unlike the hardcore science nerds or aggie lovers that Davis is known for, there is a large population of humanities and social science majors. These are the people that know how to have a good time because of how much free time they have comparatively. You’ll always admire the adventurous stories they tell and wish you had enough time to get out from under your biochem homework and make some stories of your own. If you want to get out, find one of them. Usually can be spotted walking to the DC in slippers around 1 PM-after all that’s their breakfast time.
7. The Asian Invasion
You will see Asian students everywhere but will never speak to them unless you’re one of them. Perceived as the most clique-like group on campus. Even the Asian frats haze the hardest out of all of them, making sure you earn your spot in the group. Usually science majors or advocates for Anime Club. You can often hear their shrieks of joy from your dorm room while they play video games you’ve never heard of. Although their presence on campus is very dominant, there are wide variety of other races at Davis as well. After all, if you are not from California, you are an international student.
8. The Sratty Stereotype
Head held high, dressed to impress and emblazoned with her letters. Always put together for no reason at all. Their claim to fame is that they are in a sorority and if they are in Alpha Phi or Delta Gamma you know it’s legit. Boy-hops Sigma Chi guys, because what other frat really matters? Usually gets over their crazed srat faze by spring quarter and becomes part of the low-key Greek life Davis is known for. You can spot this girl by her bougie-ness.
9. The Helmet Boy
Bikes are everywhere. It’s a brutal game- hit or be hit. Therefore there is always that guy who wears a helmet and elbow pads and bikes with a unique intense uncertainty, constantly on the lookout for possible collisions. Usually has a huge backpack probably full of very valuable items that cannot afford to be in a collision. Wears helmet hair with pride (“Helmet hair, don’t care”).
10. The Nice Frat Guy
Any stereotype of the mean preppy frat guy does not exist here. Instead, Davis houses the nicest freaking frat guys you’ll ever meet. Welcome week? On your way home from a party you can score a free textbook from a Pike upperclassmen. Too drunk? A guy from Sigma Nu will walk you home. And if you don’t want a strange guy to walk you home, he’ll suggest that his girlfriend can instead, to make you more comfortable. If you crave a fratty guy fitting the classic fratty stigma the closest you’ll get is Sigma Chi because of their arrogance for being in a top frat. But even then, they are the nicest fratty stigmas you’ll meet. Where else could you bond with a chameleon?