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5 People To Watch For Style Inspo On YouTube

5 People To Watch For Style Inspo On YouTube

If you’re into fashion and looking for a platform to get those extra tips and tricks on styling that complete a look we have the influencers for you. The beauty of watching styling channels on YouTube is they are typically pretty honest about what products do and do not work for their skin, what brands fit a little funky, and how to make nearly an empty closet into a Picasso masterpiece with just a few jacket changes. If you haven’t thought about jumping online to get style inspiration from a YouTuber, or maybe you’re just hoping to broaden your horizon of go-to channels, this is the article for you. Here are 5 of my favorite YouTubers to watch for style inspiration. 

1. Best Dressed by Ashley 

Ashley is my go-to channel for keeping up on my favorite Urban Outfitters and Princess Polly style looks. She has a great eye when it comes to popular streetwear that edges more on the girly side. What’s also great about her channel is that her earlier videos are very centered around thrifting and re-working items you might already have in your closet. So it’s super helpful to those trying to work on a budget or see how they can upgrade the items already sitting in their wardrobe that just may need a few adjustments to be on-trend. 


Another perk of Ashley’s channel is a lot of the clothes she does buy new, are typically accessible to order, and or find online if you’re hoping to purchase a few new items to spice up your looks. She puts her videos together in a very relatable way, which reminds us all that no person or outfit is ever perfect, so have a little bit of fun and don’t take clothing too seriously.  

2. Elena Taber

Elena Taber is one of my favorite channels for vicariously living through fashion, travel, and moving to NYC from Southern California. Her laid back attitude and positive outlook is truly a joy to watch and her Cali roots shine through with her focus on sustainable fashion and beauty. She has a very put together and chic style that feels girly and edgy at the same time. She plays around a lot with neutral tones and everyday looks that anyone can easily find and style with pieces they have lying around. She gives you that accessible and cool look that somehow effortlessly comes together, even though a good amount of effort may have been put into it. 


If you’re looking for lifestyle tips, or simply just style inspiration, her channel is definitely worth checking out. Elena is also a huge traveler, like me in my dreams, so she is a fantastic option for vicariously living through full of life travel vlogging. She marry’s fashion and travel, so you’ll also get a bit of style inspiration through her many adventures shown on her channel. 

3. Jenn Im 

One of the first channels I started watching for styling tips is fan-favorite Jenn Im. I stumbled upon her work after meeting her with a friend in her early career at a music festival, we gravitated towards her after noticing her fire outfit and cool use of a beret. She takes you through everything you need to know about fashion and beauty that will give you style inspiration for days. She plays around with a lot of bold eyeshadows and chunky accessories which is fantastic for elevating any outfit.


Jenn Im is also very vocal about dealing with anxiety and stress faced by a lot of college students today. Her channel will make you feel like you’re chatting with a friend about anything and everything, which is so sweet and comforting. You truly get hooked to rooting for her and following her journey through college to now getting married and moving out of her twenties. Plus you get amazing beauty and style inspiration along the way. 

4. Damon Dominique

A channel I am newer to, and absolutely fell in love with, is created by an influencer named Damon Dominique. He moved to Paris from America and chats through everything from style to home decor, European Politics, what it’s really like living in Paris, and oh so much more! He’ll have relatable wine chats with friends discussing deep topics, to more light-hearted videos like how to style your apartment with thrift store finds. What makes Damon’s channel so vibrant is his hilarious and fun personality mixed with his artsy eye for cinematography. You won’t just be inspired by his clothes, but also his indy style filming that is to die for.

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His channel has made me take a look at not only my outfit but does it match the vibe of where I’m going? He indirectly makes you start looking at the full picture of clothes, architecture, and overall aesthetic. You’ll start living your life as if it’s a movie needing your unique clothing to match well with your surroundings. So if you’re looking for all things Europe, fashion inspiration, or just want to watch an equally entertaining and artsy channel, Damon’s is the channel for you. 


5. Freya Haley 

I stumbled across Freya’s channel when I was following a plant-based diet and wanted more recipe inspiration, and while her channel definitely offers a look into culinary recipes, what kept me hooked is her amazing style videos. She mixes thrift haul videos with music videos esk style inspiration videos that are super interesting and fun to watch. She is the channel I log onto any time I’m looking to add more bohemian chic to my look. 

Freya oozes seventies vibes, which is so fun to add to any wardrobe especially in the fall with warm orange and green tones. She also does a lot of lifestyle and sustainability post that are nice to check out if you’re looking to use fewer animal products in your life, or just wanting to live more of a free-spirited lifestyle. She really bares her heart in videos and opens up to fans about pretty much any topic you can imagine, so definitely check her channel out if you’re looking for some bohemian style inspiration or someone to relate to during stressful times like most students face. 

YouTube is waiting…

Those are just five of my favorite YouTube channels that encompass loads of style inspiration and tons of lifestyle and travel videos. You can go down the rabbit hole with some amazing videos that influencers and style icons have to offer on this wonderful web platform. However, if you’re short on time, definitely give these five a try. Happy watching and I hope you get as inspired by these YouTubers fabulous style as I have. 
