10 Party Games That Will Make Your Place THE Spot at Your Next Game Night

Going on can get SO expensive. Game nights can be super fun and intimate! Below I have compiled a list of various kinds of games! Games I have included on the list are party games you may see have seen at a house party, board games or games that require just yourself and your peeps! So grab some friends, make it a potluck, get cozy and get ready to have some fun with some fabulous games. Who needs to go out? Bring the party to your place!
What Do You Meme
This game is a riot. All you have to do is draw your cards and try to match your description to the meme in play for the dankest combo. It is so much fun because of the visual aspect that it brings to a card game. Also, if you do not want to buy the game and are feeling creative, you can make your own! You could find different memes on the internet, print them out and laminate them and make your own descriptions and boom! Your own what to meme game! Whether you buy the game or make your own, you and your friends will be gasping and rolling on the floor with laughter forsure.
Land Mines
Ight, disclaimer, this game does require some alcoholic beverages. The goal of the game is to last the longest (which may help if you drink the least among your friends). So the rules include: staying seated the whole time (besides for some bathroom breaks, your group can decide how many). So everyone has a beer and the empty cans are land mines. The more cans you drink, the more land mines you will have. So ya gotta stock up. The turns work like this: you have a quarter and you spin it, as you spin it, every one counts to five and your drink. After you finish this chug, you must tap the counter or table and pick up the quarter between your fingers. If you do not follow these rules you will earn a five-second penalty drink. Essentially everything that goes wrong during your turn merits you a five-second penalty drink. Especially if your quarter hits a land mine during your turn. During your turn, someone can slam their can (must be empty) onto the quarter to place a land mine there. More drinking for you! Al,l in all, this game is a true test of will and strategy.
Do you like to argue?! If so you will absolutely love this game! If not, (I feel you), but it will teach how to okay with arguing in a fun way! So the whole idea of this game is to argue that your superhero (or villain) will beat the other contenders in a fight. So you and your friends will draw three cards, usually a noun, verb and an adjective of some sort. For example, one time I had a baby on one card, is 50 tall on another and the last one said has razor blade arms. The fighters will always be the most random creature ever. Once you have your battle buddy, you will go against your friends to see if your fighter would whoop everyone’s ass. Hint: it would. But the other people playing do not know that yet, that is where the shenanigans ensue where people are arguing with each other back and forth. It is a rousing good time.
This can be a fun drinking game or not, whatever you are feeling! It may transport you back to your childhood days. So the way the game starts out is that you all will gather in a circle, and then people start out with thinking of sign or a signal for themselves. It can be piece sign, moose ears, or however creative you are feeling. The more elaborate the better. Next, everyone drums rolls on the table and someone does their sign and makes eye contact with another person in the circle. The person that receives the sign must repeat the previous person’s sign and then do their sign to pass it on to the next person they choose. If you are playing it as a drinking game, the person who is unable to do the previous person’s sign will drink!
Secret Hilter
Oh, this game has everything! Twists! Turns! Fighting against evil! Ah! Secret Hitler is a hidden identity game where people are given secret identities and must fight to stop the fascists from taking over the world. The thing is, nobody knows which side anyone is on! You must work to find out who is on your team, who are the fascists and who is Hitler. And the thing is, nobody tells the truth. It is quite a wild game that may ruin some friendships. But hey, it is all in the fun of the game night.
Another game for the dranks! This is a six-player game. The way this one goes is you will need a long table and some beers. Each side of the table will have three beers and three players. One team will have a ping pong ball and will aim it at the other side and try to hit one of the cans. If the team that is throwing the ping pong ball hits one of the cans on the other side, they will begin to drink their beer. The other team will have the person directly across from the person drinking the beer frantically searching for the ping pong ball. Once that player finds the ping pong, they must put it on the table and say “down”. Once “down” is said, the person on the other team must stop drinking their beer! Play will continue (3 rounds or more) and the first team, to drink all of their beers first wins! Get your legs moving!
This is a board game that involves a lot of creativity! Each player builds there own castle one room at a time. There are many different types of rooms and hallways that you can use to connect them. One player becomes the Master Builder, and that player sets prices for the set of rooms that can be purchased by the other players, with them getting to pick from whatever is left after the other players have paid them for their rooms. When a room is added to a castle, the player who built it gains castle points based on the size and type of room that is built, and bonus points based on the location of the room! After each buying round, a new player becomes the Master Builder who sets prices for a new set of rooms. After several rounds, the game ends, then more points are awarded for achieving bonus goals, having the most popular rooms, and being the closest to the King’s demands, which change each game. Whoever ends up with the most castle points wins. Let the interior decorating begin!
Chicken’s Assemble
This game started off at Augustana College in Illinois and has been a fan favorite of my boyfriend and his friends for ages. This is a silly, fun game that requires just you and your friends! So to start off you must put on your goggles to prepare, complete with hand motions and sound effects. Speaking of sound effects, the game is full of them. First standing in a circle, everyone will keep their hands at their ears. The game will start with someone start by saying “woop” in the direction of another person indicating with their hands where they want the “woop” to go. Players may also go “woop, woop” or “woop, woop, woop” do another player. The next player must do their woops to another player in the next 3 seconds in order to stay in the game. The last two people standing will do a rock, paper and scissors battle to determine the winner.
Scene It
Board games are the bomb.com! What is awesome about this one there are SO many different ones. They have regular scene it, one for kids (scene it jr), they have ones about certain movie franchises such as Harry Potter or Disney, TV, and movies! Oh my! So many to choose from! A game for pop culture fanatics and lovers of board games.
10. Honey, I Love You
This is a theatre game that I have played in an acting class that is fun for kids to adults! So what y’all will do is that one person starts in the middle and the rest form a circle around the person. The person in the middle goes up to anyone in the circle and says “Honey, won’t you smile for me?” The person outside of the circle responds “Honey, I love you but I just can’t smile. The goal for the person in the circle is to get the person on the outside of the circle to smile, if they do, they switch places. If the person on the outside does not smile the person in the middle finds a new person to finesse. The whole goal is to get people to laugh! It’ll really test your skills.