14 Party Eye Makeup Tutorials That Are Gorgeous

Looking for the perfect New Year’s Eve makeup? Or maybe the perfect night-out makeup? Well, look no further because these awesome step-by-step tutorials are just what you need to look amazing for any upcoming party. A few are pretty simple and easy, while the others are pretty crazy. From pigmented pouts to cut crease to glitter lids, these 14 tutorials have it all! Here are some of the best party eye makeup tutorials that are absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy!
I’ve been in LOVE with the gorgeous and hilarious GinsMakeup channel forever and this new look she posted recently has me shook! This combination of two different colored glitters and winged liner is perfect for any party look. Plus, the shimmer lips are like the icing on the cake for this look.
By: GinsMakeup
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2. Prom Makeup: Smokey Glittery Eyes | Daisy Marquez
This look is one of Daisy’s first videos, but it is amazing. I actually did this look for prom last year and got so many compliments. The cut crease and glitter make your eyes pop like crazy and screams party look.
By: Daisy Marquez
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3. Quick and Easy Holiday Glam Makeup Tutorial
Okay, I literally see the words “Quick and Easy” and my head instantly turns. The eyeshadow for this look is so simple and is perfect if you’re in a hurry. The eyeliner and the bright lips make the look ready for a night out.
By: Christen Dominique
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4. NYE/ Party Makeup Tutorial
This look isn’t as simple as the ones before. Every party or going-out look needs its glitter, but this yellow color makes it all pop. Kathleen uses the tape method for her eyeshadow here which is such a great way to enhance your eyeshadow. If I’m doing a fancy look, or just need a clean eyeshadow, this is definitely a go-to method.
By: KathleenLights
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5. Halo Smokey Eye | Jaclyn Hill
How could I talk about tutorials without adding the queen herself? A halo eyeshadow look is perfect for a going-out look. The dark eyeshadow on the corners of the lid and the shimmer in the middle of the lid make the perfect combination to making your eyes pop for a night out.
By: Jaclyn Hill
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6. Smokey Copper Beauty Makeup Tutorial
This is another halo eyeshadow look, just stepped up a few notches. The black eyeshadow on the outer corners of the lid and the dark lipstick is perfect for a fall or winter night out.
By: Glam&Gore
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7. Easy cool-toned grunge makeup tutorial
Going along with the last tutorial, this is another perfect look for fall and winter. We all get paler in the fall and winter, and these brown and nude colors are just what you need. Plus, this look is accomplished in just a few steps so it very simple to do!
By: itslikelymakeup
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This look is so simple and so beautiful. The colors are very soft, but the glitter liner and bright lips make the look ideal for a night out.
By: mayratouchofglam
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9. Purple and Silver New Years Eve Makeup Tutorial | MannyMua
I love love love Manny, and this look is absolutely stunning. Adding the eyeliner to the inner corners of your eyes like Manny does in this look will make your eyes stand out so much. You could even try this look with dark purple lips to change it up!
By: Manny Mua
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10. Cut Crease for Hooded Eyes Tutorial
Another look by Daisy, but it is because this look is honestly one of my all time favorite cut crease tutorials. Cut crease looks come in such a wide variety and there is so much you can do to change this look up. You can make the eyeshadow a darker shade or add a dark lip to make this look ready for any party.
By: Daisy Marquez
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11. Blue Smokey Eye New Years Eve Makeup Tutorial | PatrickStarrr
I love Patrick’s process here. The dark eyeshadow placed on the inner and outer corners of the eyes really bring attention to the blue glitter in the center of the eyes. Also, putting highlighter or shimmer eyeshadow in the very inner corners of the eyes can really make the look stand out.
By: PatrickStarrr
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12. Edgy New Years Makeup Tutorial | KIM THAI
This look is absolutely CRAZY. I love what she does with her eyeliner in this tutorial, but even if you don’t do your eyeliner the same way, it is still a gorgeous look. Those lips! I’m in love.
By: Kim Thai
13. Glitter Smokey Eyes Makeup Tutorial 2016
This is a very simple glitter smokey eye tutorial I am very excited to try out this year. I love the browns she uses in this tutorial to make it a dark glam look for a night out.
By: Laura Lee
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14. Extreme Cat Eyes & CHOCOLATE Lips Glam Holiday Makeup
The QUEEN. I love NikkieTutorials and this is one of my favorite looks she has ever done. The extreme contrasts of light and dark colors make this look perfect for a party or a night out. The white eyeliner on the water line and the dark lips are stunning.
By: NikkieTutorials
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Do you know of any other amazing party eye makeup tutorials? Share in the comments below!
*All opinions are my own.
Featured Image Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpnUaz-GEqs

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