How To Party At Temple When You’re Not 21

There are quite a few ways to have some fun at Temple for all my underage students. However, it all comes down to three main ways to get what you want. Keep reading to discover the tricks on how to party at Temple when you’re not 21!
First thing’s first: Get a fake.
If you’re very impatient or just dying to see what the bar scene is like, then a fake ID is the way to go. However, before you go out and purchase one, here’s a couple tips you should take into consideration:
Tips for Fake IDs:
- Be careful who you buy yours from
- Getting one off a friend is usually the best bet
- Be aware of the state
- Know your address just in case you’re asked
- Make sure you don’t blow all your money for a crappy ID
- The best way to save money is having a group of friends get fakes together so you all can get a discount.
- When presenting your ID, be calm and confident
- IF you make anything obvious, the bouncers will know right away that you’re underage and they will take it away.
- AKA: the bouncers aren’t stupid
- Check out the bars you want to go to beforehand
- Certain places are more lenient, so do your research!
- Be prepared to get denied once
- Confidence is key. It’s easy to look 21 (for some of us) but it takes a lot to maintain a cool attitude and pull it off while trying to get into the bar
Go to a house party.
There are house parties all over the place and Temple Party Owl provides the addresses and times to when they start. Just follow them on twitter or Snapchat for a place or message them whenever you’re throwing something down.
Some places to try checking out:
Disclaimer: The keyword is “try” since Philly can be a little bit tricky. Ask friends who’ve tried different places as to what what they feel is best.
- South Street
- Try bars and restaurants (but not the clubs).
- Tio Flores is a popular place
- Marathon & Olive Garden in Center City don’t even ask to see your ID half the time or they just give it a quick glance
- Montgomery Beer
Have an older friend help you out.
Having a friend who is 21 or older can be a plus because they can happily get alcohol for you. This is also a good idea for those who care mainly about getting drunk and not so much whether or not they party at temple or hang at the bars. Just remember to be responsible and not use that friend for strictly alcohol purposes.
Wait until you’re 21 to go to the bars.
Believe me when I say the bar scene can be a lot more exciting than a Temple party, but don’t skip them because you feel like you’re missing out. Temple parties can easily get crazy and sometimes even out of control. Three years goes by faster than you think, so if you don’t want to risk spending money or you’re not ready for the bar/club scene, then wait until you are of age.
Can you relate to trying to figure out how to party at Temple when you’re not 21? Share any more tricks you have and comment below!
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Rachel Porter is a junior at Temple University. She's studying magazine journalism but likes to expand her mind and check out other options. She's a total city girl and loves being in Philly. She likes to draw, paint & take photos of scenery as a small hobby when she isn't busy writing.