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8 Most Overrated Places To Go To In Los Angeles

8 Most Overrated Places To Go To In Los Angeles

8 Most Overrated Places To Go To In Los Angeles

Los Angeles is one of the most exciting cities in the world. From movies, music to fashion, your life can change within an instant in L.A; of course, I mean your perspective about the whole city at least. Take it from me, I’ve been here for some time now and I can tell you the eight most overrated places here in the city. At least the sun won’t disappoint you.

1. Hollywood Boulevard

When I first came to L.A. it was a shocker at how much the trash took over almost all of the streets. The weather was nice and the sun was shining. The first place I wanted to go was Hollywood. When I finally went, I started to wonder what the whole hoopla was. Yes, there is the infamous walk of fame, with every actor and entertainer’s name you could imagine. But, to me, that is all there was. There were the little shops set up and everything but not as glamorous as I imagined it. There are hundreds of people out there every day exploring the area. You must get used to being in crowded areas.

2. Venice Beach

The beach is beautiful. It is a great place to relax and clear your head, until around noon. The homeless lay to rest wherever they can in Los Angeles and that includes the lovely beaches. I drove to Venice Beach around five in the morning. Life has begun even so early in the day. Strangers were setting up shop, getting ready to welcome the day’s consumers. Skater boys were out in the streets playing fetch with dogs as they blasted 90’s rock bands. Next thing I know, as soon as the sun presented itself in the sky, people from everywhere began to flood the boardwalk. It got so crowded I was practically touching shoulders with anyone who walked passed me. Interesting sites though.


3. The Hollywood sign

Did anyone tell you about the hike to get up that sign? No cars allowed. Just you, your friends and the strength of your knees. You can hike up the big hill if you want. Be my guest.

4. Fat Burger

Overrated and popular! I can’t stress enough that you must get used to long lines and crowds. Mind you, if you are from the east coast like me, then prices are a bit different as well. Save lots of money before you come out here.

5. Beverley Hills

It’s everything you probably expected to say the least. The streets are cleaner and wider than regular California streets. It is drowning with expensive shops and fancy cars. If you do not have the means to shop here, then it’s best if you just walk around and take in the sights. Trust me, you can’t even purchase a coffee with it wanting your arm as further payment.

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6. Downtown Los Angeles

All you see is tall buildings and concrete hills. Shops are at every corner and traffic is built up like Times Square in New York. It was pretty interesting if you ask me, but highly overrated. Downtown L.A. is pretty tight like things out here. You are able to explore half of downtown in a half a day.

7. Cost of living

I feel the cost of living is more than overrated. For a city that is so rich in culture and money, I don’t quite understand why a one bedroom cost so much money! Granted, I get your paying for how beautiful California is, but that doesn’t mean I need to dreadfully struggle to become comfortable.


8. The Hype!

I came here to follow a dream. I got knocked down a few times but I understand that it is a part of the journey. Los Angeles, CA sells you on a dream that one day you’ll be rich and famous. This may be true for some of us, but what they don’t mention is the hoops you’ll have to jump through in order to get what you want. Not only that, but the city is overcrowded like I stated so many times and you have to pay for everything. There are not too many things here that are free.

My only advice is this, do not get caught up in the hype. If you do choose to come to Los Angeles, stay focused and do what you came here to do. I am not saying you can’t enjoy yourself because it cannot be helped. I am only asking to keep in mind that you keep the old saying in mind when it comes to situations in life, “All that glitters isn’t gold.”

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