10 Outdoor Wedding Trends We’re Loving Now

Ding Dong! Full disclosure, I am not a smug, happily married woman with tonnes of married friends and therefore a semi-experienced wedding guru. I am, since you asked, a smug, happy single woman who gets to be the equally smug and RELAXED wedding guest who sits back and judges everything. What I’m trying to say is that, despite not having walked down the aisle, I do have some valuable observations on the wedding trends we’re loving right now. More precisely, ten of the ever so decorative and creative outdoor wedding trends.
1. Season of love
I believe every couple can justify the season they deem fit for their wedding. Some may be horrified receive a wedding invite set in the middle of winter. But done well, it can be spectacular. Come on, what kind of bride wouldn’t want her wedding dress to match the snow on the ground?! Hmmm, on trend… maybe not. BUT. An outdoor wedding, involving a large marquee, outdoor heaters, twinkling lights, candles or lanterns… it’s magical and most definitely trending.
2. The ‘Type’
Every newly be-wed is asked: what type of wedding will they have? In particular, big, small, formal or casual. I’m hear to say that the small and intimate wedding is on trend. In particular, a back yard wedding with the nearest and dearest. After the photos, the guests can kick off their heels and dance on the lawn without the fear of misplacing their shoes. This type of wedding offers nostalgic childhood fun in the back yard.
3. Location location location
The destination of a wedding is most definitely a huge factor in the wedding planning. A memorial wedding means an exotic getaway is a must. Perhaps your fiancé has a second cousin twice removed from Belgium? Flying your guests across the sea is exciting and a trend that definitely makes the best.weddings.ever list! A wedding on location HAS so be outside. How else could you be a wedding guest and a tourist at the same time!?
4. Run Away Bride
Eloping. It makes for a fabulous movie plot. In reality, it’s so much more exhilarating. A spontaneous elopement makes for such a glorious wedding story. Eloping implies adventure, and therefore an outdoor setting with a view is a must. It’ll add to the drama. Eloping can never go out of trend, for as long as you have each other… and blah blah. (Sorry, I am so not a bitter and single.)
5. It’s a secret
Similar ball park to eloping is the good old secret wedding. The kind when the guests role up for the ‘engagement party.’ Everybody’s dressed up and the mother of the bride has never seemed more anxious. There’s always something in the air. It’s like when you can smell a storm before it hits. These secret weddings are fun and exciting. And whilst no body likes to be kept out of the secret, it’ll always be one of the most memorable weddings. To contain the secret, the best secret weddings on trend right now are the outdoors. In a location that no one will suspect. I saw a wedding at the zoo once. Just saying.
6. The ring
I HAD to slip the ring on somewhere. (Sorry terrible pun.) Okay, so what does the ring have to do with an outdoor wedding trend? Here it goes. A sparkly ring will glisten, in the sunshine or the rain. I’m sorry but I had to justify mentioning the ring somewhere. BUT THERE’S MORE! The latest trend right now are floral diamond rings. Perhaps the diamond is between two leaves or is round with petals. Wink wink hint hint to anybody planning on proposing!
7. The Beach
I instantly imagine the final scene of ’27 Dresses’ whenever somebody mentions a wedding on the beach. Beach weddings can never go out of style. They are always on trend. True, people have their doubts. I mean, we don’t want sand flying in people’s eyes or seagulls circling the wedding cake. But with that said, beach weddings are always tasteful and more importantly, romantic.
8. A Good Backdrop
Outdoor weddings are perfect for photos. They offer so many wonderful opportunities for a spectacular back drop. The city, the country, the beach, the garden, or even the zoo… they all make for an amazing picture setting. Guests will often always remember the wedding based on the scenery. This said, this little trend can often go unnoticed, or not even be considered a trend. But a blank wall for the phot back drop won’t do. Let’s make the scenery the latest and greatest wedding trend!
9. The decorations
Outdoors weddings boast these essential wedding decorations that are most definitely on trend! Fairy lights, tea lights and lanterns. They literary light up the room but also cease to go unnoticed. Both practical and pretty. They are timeless and tasteful ornaments for an outdoor setting.
10. Luck last
I feel like ‘lucky last’ is going to be the opening line for my wedding speech. Which is why I thought, I’d describe the last outdoor wedding trend through my own dream, outdoor wedding. The view HAS to be the ocean. But I’m also a born and raised country girl. This is why my dream wedding would have to be on top of a hill outlooking the sea. I hope this idea stays on trend until I get married. We may be waiting a long time…