7 Outdoor Exercise Ideas You Need To Do This Summer

Going to the gym day after day (if you have the discipline) is a chore, no matter how good you feel afterwards. Unless you have the motivation of an Olympian and the resources of a Kardashian, no one wants to be cooped up in the dark, mirrored abyss, praying for results as you finish that last squat. Here are a couple outdoor exercise ideas to bring your fitness routine outside this summer, to savor the warmth while it lasts.
1. Take a Jog
One of the most straightforward forms of cardio is a brisk run. It doesn’t need to be fast, but heading out in the early morning hours will wake you up and kickstart your day. Running is also one of the most efficient forms of exercise (if you’re looking to burn calories right away). Hit the nearest trail or paved path for an early morning expedition.
2. Work Out in the MORNING or EVENING
One tip to keep in mind during the heat of summer — exercise in the off-hours, like early morning or evening. The temperature will be less intense as the sun emerges or disappears. When you go outside to work out, make sure you’re being safe if you do get caught mid-afternoon; always bring a water bottle and small towels with you.
3. Go for a Hike
Working out, taking pics and enjoying nature? A win-win-win! Grab a bestie and head for the hills as you take on the terrain with a morning hike. Nothing is more beautiful than watching a sunrise over the trees. If you don’t live right near any trails, make it a mini-road trip! Curate outdoor exercise ideas with a bomb wake-up playlist, swing by Starbucks and hit the road before the day even begins.
4. Stand Up Paddleboard or Kayak
A couple unique forms of summer fitness feature some aquatic exploration. If you’re not the best swimmer, fear not! Stand up paddle boarding is a great isometric ab workout, and kayaking is a form of cardio (if you’re actively paddling). Definitely grab a friend for this one — you’ll want someone out there to watch your back on the waves!
5. Walk your Dogs (or a neighbor’s dog!)
Few things are as simple and lovely as taking your pup for an early morning stroll. What may seem outdoor exercise ideas can turn into a great leisurely exercise session! Make sure your dog (and yourself) are properly hydrated and ready to go, then head to the sidewalks for a quick spin!
6. Outdoor Yoga
Many cities offer fantastic outdoor yoga sessions, most of them for a small fee or donation. Yoga is a great way to ease into the day, and the refreshment you feel afterwards can be second to none. Slowing your breathing and stretching as the sun rises is a life-giving experience, and will surely start your day on the right foot.
7. Bring your routine outdoors
Lastly, if you’re set on your indoor gym routine, bring it outside! While you may not be able to lug the benc hpress to your backyard, outdoor exercise ideas you can grab a yoga mat and do some bodyweight exercises in the comfort of your yard or a park.