Going to college can be very intimidating. You’re on your own for the first time and no one is forcing you to go to classes or do your homework. With this adjustment, it is important to be organized. Being organized will help create a little less stress for you and will make the school year go a lot smoother. Here are 10 organizing tips for NAU freshman!
Remember in elementary school when they gave us a planner every year and we were forced to write in it? Well, it turns out there is a method to the madness. Throughout the years I have found that having a planner was very helpful when it came to important due dates or events. I was a lot less stressed knowing when I had a test or a project due. It is best to have some place to write down all your important due dates, required readings, or homework assignments.
A bullet journal is a little different and is more of a way to keep your life organized. All you need for that is a notebook and a pen. In a bullet journal, you design the way you want your planner to look and operate. You can also create trackers to track things such as your mood, water, and calorie intake. Another good use for a bullet journal is to write down things you may forget about. This could be an online order, grocery list, or any other items you may forget. Also, you can add pictures or quotes that keep you inspired to do a good job.
This may be common sense, but I promise you will be way less stressed by simply having your room clean. It is not enjoyable trying to study with a bunch of clutter around you.
This sorta ties in with the whole planner concept. Having a to-do list or schedule will help you not only make the most out of your day, but also give you a visual as to what you have going on in your life. I happen to make both a to-do list and a schedule. My to-do list is made up of a simple task that I need to finish before the day is over. My schedule maps out my whole day from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. In a schedule, I like to add the times and places of my activities or events.
I feel like this is self-explanatory, but do not just throw down whatever important topics you see on the screen. Actually set up a nice guide for yourself to use when you’re studying. Use headings, bullet points, highlighters, colored pens, etc. to make your notes easy to read and understand for yourself. Whatever works best for you, do it to keep organized!
If you have big projects for your classes it is a good idea to start them early and map out different due dates for yourself. Giving yourself due dates will allow you to not procrastinate and eliminate staying up until 5 AM finishing a big paper or project the night before.
This may seem a little weird, but a lot of those organizational DIYS are extremely helpful. There are so many out there that will help you make the most out of your tiny dorm closet and drawers. Pinterest is such a resourceful tool when it comes to organizing, especially for students on a budget.
Sure, it is nice to keep all your notes in one place and only use one notebook. But I know from experience that it can get very messy, very quickly. Some classes use more paper than others, some do not need notes at all and it is important to have separate note books or sections set aside in a binder for each class. It makes studying so much easier.
Nothing is more stressful than unknowingly running out of money. Keep a detailed budget and know where your money is going. Plus, it well help you have a little extra spending money when you have your finances planned out!
This is similar to keeping your room clean, but there is a difference between clean and organized. You may just have everything thrown into a drawer and call that clean. But designating certain drawers for certain clothes, school supplies, or food ( I can’t be the only person who keeps a snack drawer) is very helpful.
Again, this may seem like common sense. Let’s be serious. Many of us procrastinate and stay up ridiculously late to finish homework or projects. You will be exhausted the next morning and most likely will get up late. No one wants to feel rushed on their way to class. Get 6-8 hours of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed!
Featured Image: weheartit
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