10 Organizations That You Can Contribute To For #BLM

Times are changing, and it’s been a long time coming. However, change is hard and it can be expensive, but every little donation makes a difference. There are so many organizations out there that you can choose from when looking to support the #BlackLivesMatter movement. To make things easier for you, here is a list of ten organizations that are doing significant work to push forward the Black Lives Matter movement. If you choose to donate to any of them, you can rest easy knowing your money will be put to real and good use.
1. Black Lives Matter
One of the primary foundations to support the Black Lives Matter movement is, of course, the Black Lives Matter fund. The Black Lives Matter fund dedicates your donation and support to “our ongoing fight to end State-sanctioned violence, liberate Black people, and end white supremacy forever” according to their website. Their site also includes many helpful links to petitions, helpful links, informative materials, and more. If you want to receive something for your support, you could also follow the route of buying ones of their shirts, proceeds of which help to support the movement. Even if you don’t choose to donate to this group, you should still check out their website for their helpful links and resources! Their website is here.
2. National Lawyers Guild
The National Lawyers Guild is a network of lawyers, legal workers, and law students who are providing key legal support to activists and protestors who need it. The Mass Defense Committee (MDC) works to “provide trainings, assistance in setting up temporary legal offices and legal support structures, and materials for supporting activists engaged in mass protests” as posted on their website. Most notably, they help with setting up and running jail and bail support programs, as well as providing legal representation in case of protest arrests. Many of the people who get arrested for protesting (or other affiliated charges) can’t afford to pay the fines or legal charges that come with it. This is an excellent cause to donate to if you want to contribute to the behind-the-scenes of the protests. You can find their website here.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. is a foundation dedicated to fighting racial justice through litigation, advocacy, and public education. According to their website, the NAACP “seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans”. By seeking reform, the NAACP creates lasting change, making it a good option to consider when deciding where to donate your money or efforts! You can find more information on their website here.
4. The Legal Aid Society
If you’re from the east coast, you might find the Legal Aid Society close to your heart as it’s based in New York City and dedicated to the rights of New Yorkers. With New York being one of the largest cities in the United States, they have also had a massive number of protests and demonstrations, making it an epicenter for justice reform. The Legal Aid Society aims to ensure that everyone has equal access to justice, especially now. You can find more information and resources on their website: https://www.legalaidnyc.org
5. Know Your Rights Camp
The Know Your Rights Camp is a cause dedicated to the empowerment of the POC community. According to their website, their mission statement is “to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization, and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders”. Along with their community efforts, they also help to provide legal assistance to those in need. You can find more information here.
6. The Love Land Foundation
The Love Land Foundation is a therapy fund for black women and girls. The Love Land Foundation raises money in order to provide free therapy to black women and girls. The sheer cost of therapy alone is expensive, and while the foundation aims to aid those who need it, they also strive to end “the prevalent and ingrained stigma surrounding mental health in many communities” because, according to their website, “the fact that the vast majority of therapists in this country are white, [makes it] difficult for Black women and girls to access therapy when they need it” which they aim to change. This is a good cause to contribute to as their impact is one that often goes overlooked. You can find their website here.
7. Emergency Release Fun
The Emergency Release Fund is an organization dedicated to keeping trans people safe and out of jail. If you choose to contribute to the Emergency Release Fund, 100% of your contribution is used to post bail for trans persons at risk of injury and death. If you don’t have much money to spare, not to worry, with the Emergency Release Fund you can volunteer and contribute your time and effort to the cause instead. You can find more information here.
8. Youth Justice Coalition
The Youth Justice Coalition is based in Los Angeles, California, and aims to challenge the criminal injustice system. According to their website, the YJC’s goal is “to dismantle policies and institutions that have ensured the massive lock-up of people of color, widespread law enforcement violence and corruption, consistent violation of youth and communities’ Constitutional and human rights, the construction of a vicious school-to-jail track, and the build-up of the world’s largest network of jails and prisons”, a hefty task. You can donate on their website, and also contribute your time and effort to the cause by supporting them at their meetings and demonstrations. You can find their website here.
9. Justice for Breonna Taylor
Hopefully, you recognize the name Breonna Taylor, an African-American woman who was fatally shot when LMPD officers forced entry into her home, under the authority of a search warrant. She worked as an EMT in Louisville, Kentucky, and was shot eight times in her home. Used as a primary example of the many issues the police department has, including inherent racism, lack of training, and too many others to name, Breonna Taylor’s family has taken this tragedy and turned it into an opportunity for change. You can find their official GoFundMe here.
10. Brother Vellies
Another way you can support the Black Lives Matter movement is through supporting black businesses, entrepreneurs, and the like. One great cause to check out is Brother Vellies, a company that works to keep the traditional African design practices and techniques alive, and as a bonus, all of their products are handmade! You can find their shop and website here.
Every little bit helps. Every effort matters. You can make a difference.
As always, please leave any questions and comments below 🙂
I’m from Long Beach, CA and I’m currently a student at Villanova University, pursuing a major in Communications with a double minor in Psychology and Spanish. I started writing articles in the fall of 2019 and fell in love with writing, hopefully, you’ll enjoy my articles just as much as I do!