22 Orange Is The New Black Gifts Under $30 For Your Litchfield-Obsessed Friends

Does your best friend know every line from Orange is the New Black? Or do they sometimes imagine that they are bff’s with Poussey and Tastee? If this sounds like someone in your circle, then these 22 Orange is the New Black gifts are perfect for them. Scroll through these affordable gifts to find the right one for your fellow Litchfield fanatic!
1. A New Cookbook
Channel Red with this cookbook full of recipes and photos. Some recipes include sweet and hot chicken wings, crack almonds, and a beer can bird.
2. Some Illustrated Stickers
Decorate your laptop or notebook with these creative stickers! These stickers are awesome Orange is the New Black gifts and this way your favorite ladies will never leave your side!
3. The Perfect Wine Glass For OITNB Marathons
Sip on some wine with one of these Orange is the New Black gifts while re-watching your favorite episodes. The glittery glass also sports the funny catchphrase “On Wednesdays we wear orange.”
4. A Black and White Line Drawing Poster
Hang up this cute poster in your dorm room or office with some push pins. You can choose to leave it black and white or switch things up and add some water colors. Drawing posters are great Orange is the New Black gifts that are sure to keep your friends busy!
5. A Temporary Tattoo
Channel your inner Piper with this temporary tattoo. While this “Trust no bitch” tattoo is definitely a statement, it washes off within a few days with some water.
6. An O.I.T.N.B. Calendar
Keep your O.I.T.N.B. obsessed friend happy every day of the month/year with this awesome calendar. The best part? It also comes with posters!
7. This Graphic Shirt
Wear your fandom proudly with this graphic long sleeve shirt! Can’t pick a favorite character? This shirt is one of the perfect Orange is the New Black gifts to show your love for them all!
8. A Printable Valentine
Show your love for Crazy Eyes with these valentine’s that you can download instantly and then print. These cards are super sweet and perfect to hand out to all your valentines who would love Orange is the New Black gifts!
9. A Neon Banner For Your Dorm Walls
Decorate for a O.I.T.N.B. viewing party with this “Trust no bitch” banner. This banner is crafty yet totally chic.
10. A Cross Stitch Pattern
Are you feeling crafty? Make your own cross stitch with this pattern. Crazy eyes would be proud to have her quote on such creative Orange is the New Black gifts!
11. A Funny Mood Chart
The ladies of Litchfield are complicated girls and this mood chart depicts just that. This poster has a fun sketch of each character from O.I.T.N.B.
12. A Funny Coffee Mug
If you happen to love both coffee and O.I.T.N.B (which, I’m assuming is pretty common) your favorites can combine to create this awesome and funny mug that will be used over and over!
13. These Dog Tag Earrings
Be stylish with these adorable dog tag earrings. Have your dog tag with you no matter where you go with this necessary accessory!
14. A Watercolor Portrait
Sophia knows she is the hottest inmate at Litchfield and now you can have a beautiful portrait of this pretty lady. The handmade aspect of this gift makes it even more personal.
15. Your New Favorite Travel Mug
Love Litchfield on-the-go with this glittery travel mug. If you are #teamalex this cup is for you.
16. Show Who You’re Rooting For On Your Shirt
Proudly display which team your on with these awesome Orange Is The New Black tank tops!
17. The Only Mousepad You’ll Need
Keep things practical with this gift perfect for a desk. Everyone in the office will know your love for O.I.T.N.B. with this mousepad.
18. This Food Print
Any foodie will love this print. This cute graphic has quirky hand drawn food from the show that will be sure to give any fan a good chuckle.
19. A Coloring Book To Keep You Occupied When You’ve Finished Every Season
Keep yourself entertained with this O.I.T.N.B. coloring book. Each sketch has an amazing drawing of a character and a quote from the show. This is a great alternative to the usual adult coloring book.
20. Yes To These Pins
Sport your favorite character on your backpack or denim jacket with these character pins. No matter who your favorite inmate is, these pins have a wonderful hand drawn portrait of all the main characters from O.I.T.N.B.
21. The Best Book
Why not read the book that started it all? The novel by Piper Kerman tells the story we have learned to love from the Netflix series. This is a great read for anyone who loves watching O.I.T.N.B.!
22. The Complete Set of DVDs for Endless Re-Runs
So maybe it’s the worst day ever and your Netflix won’t load, or even worse, your parents forgot to pay for the family’s account. If this sounds like something that might happen to you, it’s a smart idea to have O.I.T.N.B. on dvd just in case. Buy season 1 and 2 in a bundle for any Netflix emergencies you may have.
Do you know of any awesome Orange is the New Black gifts? Share in the comments below!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Featured image: www.autostraddle.com

Isabella was born and raised in San Francisco but will be a member of the class of 2021 at the University of Kansas. She is majoring in political science and hopes to pursue a career in policy. She hopes to rush a sorority and cheer on the Jayhawks at every game.