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An Open Letter to the People Who Made Me Feel Like I Was Not Good Enough

An Open Letter to the People Who Made Me Feel Like I Was Not Good Enough

To those who made me feel like I was not good enough,

Tired of feeling as if I could never win.

I could say how much I hate you, or how you ruined my life but I won’t and you didn’t. In fact, you made me better. Yes, I was sad that you chose to not see my worth and I worked my butt off to please you, but because of that I am better. I was either too much or never enough for you. I talked too much; I was too dramatic; I laughed too loud. Or I wasn’t smart enough, athletic enough, cool enough, or even attractive enough to please you.

Exhausted from not having anything left to give.

So I worked and I tried because that is the kind of person I am. Then when I tried you told me I was trying too hard. I just couldn’t win and that ate me alive. I gave everything to please you and you STILL couldn’t (or chose not to) acknowledge my efforts. You sucked me dry. I had nothing left to give you. I was tired.


Realizing I am a better person because of all this.

But there is a happy ending. I am better because of you. So thank you. I know my worth now, and I also know when to stop giving to people who only take. Some people just don’t mesh and that is OKAY. It took me a while to learn that I don’t have to please everyone, and that was step one to learning my worth. But because of all the work I put into myself to please other people I learned how to love me.

“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.” – Dita Von Teese

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I was actually improving because of you.

You told me to be quiet because I was too loud, but now I’m a voice for others. You told me I wasn’t smart enough but grades do not define my worth or my intelligence. Maybe I’m not athletic and maybe I’m not “cool” but I like me. I like me more than I ever have and that is all thanks to you. Thank you for making me work, whether you chose to see it or not, I was improving.

Finally understanding my true worth.

There wasn’t anything wrong with me in the first place, but change is inevitable. I just changed for different reasons. I don’t regret the changes I have made and I make no apologies for who I am as a person. Because of the work I put into myself I am doing things I thought I never could. I’m an advocate and a leader: things you made me feel like I never could be. You made me feel small and for that I will say screw you. I have worth. I am good enough. I am good enough just the way I am.

What else would you say to people who made you feel like you were not good enough? Comment below and share this article!
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