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An Open Letter to the Future Students of St. John’s University

An Open Letter to the Future Students of St. John’s University

To the future students of St. John’s University,

Congratulations and welcome to St. John’s University! You’re in for an exciting four (more or less) years, and this will definitely be a unique experience for you. Don’t be nervous, college is the most exciting time of your life!

Before you start here, get the typical “college” image you have out of your mind….

Yes, okay, there are parties and drinking…

…But no, it’s not as easy as it is at other schools. While your friends from back home are out at daylongs and keggers, you’re going to be here in Jamaica, Queens.


This is in NO WAY a bad thing!

Here in New York, you have the world at your fingertips. Take advantage of the area. How many of your friends from that huge state school can say they go into Manhattan every weekend…?


And still be able to say that they have a beautiful campus in a city?


This school is great, but you just have to put in effort.

No one is going to beg you to be in his or her club or escape your dorm room, so put yourself out there and try to make friends! Don’t be shy; everyone is in the same position as you!

Look into Greek Life, interest clubs and club sports! All of these will just add to your amazing college experience!


This school is so diverse that it’s hard for one person to not find anyone they identify with.

And no, I don’t just mean diverse in the nationalities and appearances.

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This school has diversity in its commuters, majors and religions.

Look past all your differences, free yourself from judgments and open yourself up to the rich culture of St. John’s students.

Don’t be afraid to befriend an upperclassman!

They were in the same position at one point, so use them, because after all, they are older AND wiser…

But never listen to them when they tell you that Sun Yat Sen Hall is actually a Chinese food restaurant…

Embrace all traditions of this school! Like hanging out on the Great Lawn…

…Going to Tip-Off every year…

…And attending Spring Carnival!

Don’t take any moment for granted, as St. John’s is special and our time here is limited.


A Junior In Denial That She Is Graduating Soon

What else might you say to future students of St. John’s University? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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