10 Online Dating Profile Red Flags To Look Out For

Online dating has become one of the most common ways that couples meet each other nowadays. It’s even more prevalent now because of quarantine and the inability to go to places and connect with lots of people. Online dating is a great way to meet potential partners, however, it’s important to pay attention to the people you are talking to and who they really are. It’s so simple to catfish people through an online dating website or app. Here are some red flags to look for when looking through someone’s profile.
1. When people list a different age in their profile and then clarify it in their bio.
I’ve seen guys profile that says they are 24 but then they say in their bio they are 18. It’s sketchy because how do you know if they are telling the truth or not? When creating a profile it’s not that hard to enter your actual age, so why would they need to change it? It makes me wonder if they are actually younger than they say they are or older. A lot of guys under the age of 18 will go on dating apps and try to pose as older guys, so that’s why you need to be careful about how old they actually are. Maybe swipe left on people who change their age in their bio and keep looking for someone who is honest and upfront.
2. They only include pictures of them with other people so you can’t tell who they actually are.
I mean you can keep guessing of which guy you are actually swiping for, but it’s better to just swipe left and move on. If someone really doesn’t feel comfortable showing people who they are then they should just delete their profile. Posting a couple group photos and some individual shots is fine, but if it’s all group ones you basically just leave me guessing which one is you. It honestly just sends a major red flag that someone is just too insecure and afraid to reveal themselves. You’ll never know who you end up with if you swipe right.
3. They include one model photo and then lots of expensive lifestyle pictures.
Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with living a lavish lifestyle and taking pictures of it, but it’s weird if you just add pictures of landscape shots or expensive items. It is so easy (almost too easy) to download a model picture from the Internet, add it to your profile, and pretend to be someone else. These model/lavish lifestyle profiles are usually either catfishes or bots trying to attract women through expensive items that it looks like they own. They add the one model picture to make them look legit, but honestly, it just looks more sketchy. Models do exist on dating apps, but they would also include normal pictures not just pictures of a background.
4. Using obviously old pictures.
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but it definitely is an automatic red flag when someone just uses old pictures of themselves. I’m sure you don’t look like your high school yearbook photo anymore if you’re 25. I warn people of this now because I have fallen for this. I met up with this guy who looked nothing like any of his pictures any longer and he clearly was trying to fool people. If someone doesn’t have the confidence to post a real picture of them, it’s a turn-off and pretty deceiving.
5. No photos at all.
If someone has no pictures at all or just a random Spongebob meme, run. This is the type of guy who is obviously trying to hide his identity for some particular reason. On dating profiles, you need to be upfront about what you look like. I mean the whole point is to add photos of yourself, not memes or a dark screen. It’s creepy if a guy doesn’t put pictures up as it probably means he’s extremely insecure or trying to catfish you. Don’t even put any effort into matching with these people.
6. He has a long bio which lists all that he is looking for in a partner.
He wants someone who is a particular height, athletic, smart, funny, likes to go on adventures…and the list goes on. In a way, it’s nice to see guys list out what they are looking for, but sometimes it just goes a little too far. It’s basically like he is looking for only someone that fits his specificities and if they don’t match what he wants, he’ll pass on them. Most people that make a long list of things they want the other person to be like oftentimes have been hurt in the past and want someone to make up for that. It’s good to know what you like in another person, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have an open mind on who your next partner will be.
7. Leaving a blank bio.
Even if you keep your bio short and sweet, it’s better to have one than leave it empty. On several dating websites, people can also add more information about themselves like what they’re looking for, they’re astrological sign, if they smoke, drink etc. When people don’t put any information at all, it either means they’re not interested in a relationship or they are too nervous to add any information about themselves.
8. Only photos of them at the gym and shirtless.
I see so many guys on dating apps thinking that women will just be attracted to them because of their endless gym selfies with their 6-pack. It’s so generic at this point that honestly, I’m tired of it. If all you want to show off is your body (oftentimes hiding your face), it’s just unattractive. I don’t care how good you may look shirtless, you honestly look like every other shirtless male on dating apps.
9. Every photo is of them drinking and partying.
There’s nothing wrong with partying and drinking, but if all of your pictures just show you doing that it makes it seem likes that all you do. Do guys really expect girls to be attracted to them drinking and partying 24/7? It’s a big turn off. Also, their bio will usually state something about drinking and partying which makes it even worse.
10. Photos of him with an ex-girlfriend or tons of other girls.
This is pretty obvious. I’ve seen some profiles where it’s obvious the guy is with an old girlfriend and he’ll add an emoji over the face or try to crop her out. Does he not have any good photos of him without his ex in it? It could be sketchy too if they do that because it could mean they’re still hung up on an ex or worse still dating them. The same goes for photos of them with so many other girls. I’m not talking about him with a family member. Like every photo is of him with other girls. It automatically screams that he’s a player.
On dating apps just make sure to be careful about who you’re swiping on. Trust your instincts on what you should do because ultimately you know best!
Have you seen any of these red flags before? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured Image: https://pin.it/tx3oR3b
Caitlyn is a third-year student at UCLA. She is majoring in English. She enjoys writing, and going to hot yoga classes and, of course, binge-watching Netflix. At UCLA, Caitlyn is a feature writer for HER Campus, part of the American Cancer Society club, and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta.