Categories: Entertainment

10 “One Tree Hill” Quotes That Actually Apply To Real Life

“One Tree Hill” has it all: romance, drama, murder, thrown in with some comedy. It is one of the only series I have actually rewatched all the seasons because of how much I love the characters and the plot. I aspired to be as strong as Brooke Davis, to have a relationship like Nathan and Haley, and to become a successful writer like Lucas. Although some of the plot is somewhat unrealistic (see season 9), there are so many life lessons to learn in the series. “One Tree Hill” has taught me so much, so here are 10 One Tree Hill quotes that I hope will inspire you as much as me. 

1. “Life is too short to play games. If you love someone and want to be with them, then go get them. Deal with the mess later. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring.” —Haley James Scott

Love is a powerful thing. If you love someone, tell them how you feel no matter what they say back. Haley’s right, life is short so we only get so much time to tell the people we love that we love them. 

2.  “Happiness is not a destination. It is a mood, it is not permanent. It comes and goes and if people thought that way then maybe people would find happiness more often.” —Julian Baker

I hear people say so often “I just want to be happy.” However, the truth is happiness doesn’t last. There are moments in your life where you are truly happy but life is full of ups and downs. Several people don’t enjoy the happy moments because they are worried it’s not going to last and something will change. Well, it’s not going to last, but at least enjoy and cherish the times you are happy that way when things in your life do turn upside down you can look back on the happy moments to get you through it. 

3. “When your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure you’re still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That’s life. The confusion and fear? That’s there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.” —Nathan Scott

Throughout life, you are definitely going to have disappointments and times where you feel heartbroken, but that doesn’t mean you give up. Maybe you have just gone through a bad breakup and you’re scared of being alone and that you’ll never find someone again. All of that pain and fear you are feeling is normal, but as Nathan says it gives you a reason to keep fighting for something or someone better. Everything happens for a reason and just because right now you feel like you can’t go on anymore, it will get better and the results will be worth the heartbreak and pain. 

4. “There’s no shame in being afraid. Hell, we’re all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you’re afraid of because when you put a face on it, you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it.”-Whitey Durham

You are stronger and braver than you think. Everyone has fears and worries, but just know you are strong enough to overcome them. Use your fears to push you and beat them. Although Whitey may be talking about basketball most of his One Tree Hill quotes, they can still can apply to any challenge or obstacle you face throughout your life. 

5.”At the end of the day, you are who you are, and it’s probably who you’ve always been.” -Brooke Davis

Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are. You can’t really change who you are at your core so you might as well accept it. Brooke Davis always stood up for who she was and defended herself and I always admired that. Sometimes you want to be anyone else rather than yourself, but if you learn to accept who you are, you’ll be able to live a more fulfilling and successful life. 

6. “Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world…or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives. For better…or worse.”-Lucas Scott

You have the power to change the world. Like Lucas says, every choice you make does matter and have an impact on the world. We need to stand up for what we believe in and make good choices with our lives so we can make the world a better place for others. In “The Fault In Our Stars”, Augustus worries that he will slip into oblivion after he dies and he won’t have a legacy. The truth is though that after you die there will be people, maybe not everyone in the entire world, but people who remember you for the choices you have made in your life and the things you have accomplished. 

7. “Because it’s only when you’re tested that you truly discover who you are. And it’s only when you’re tested that you discover who you can be. The person that you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith, and belief and beyond the heartache and fear of what life has.”-Lucas Scott

Lucas Scott has a lot of deep One Tree Hill quotes. If I didn’t go through my challenges in my life so far, I don’t think I would be the person I am today. Your experiences in life shape you as a person and create you into the person you are meant to be. You are faced with obstacles in your life that are going to test you and scare you, but once you come out on the other side you will realize that that experience helped make you stronger and better. 

See Also

8. “At this moment, there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world. 6 billion souls. And sometimes, all you need is one.” -Peyton Sawyer

One of the most well known P. Sawyer One Tree Hill Quotes. This quote pretty much speaks for itself. There are so many people in the world, but sometimes you just need one person to go through life with and to be by your side. 

9.“Don’t cry for a guy, let a guy cry for you. ‘Cause girls give and forgive, but guys get and forget.”-Brooke Davis

We need to pay more attention to Brooke Davis’ One Tree Hill quotes. Women cry and beg for their ex to come back when they actually deserve so much better. We need to spend less time crying over men and more time focusing on ourselves and our future. The right person is out there for you, but if he has the ability to just move on and forget about you, he’s not the person you’re supposed to be with. 

10. “You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices. Or you can fight back. Things aren’t always going to be fair in the real world. That’s just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give. The rest of your life is being shaped right now. With the dreams you chase. The choices you make. And the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time. And the rest of your life starts right now!”-Haley James Scott

Out of my favorite One Tree Hill quotes, this one tops the list. Your life matters! Don’t settle and keep fighting for what you want in life. Life is short so we need to make the best out of it. 

“One Tree Hill” will forever have a place in my heart. If you haven’t seen the show yet, I hope that these One Tree Hill quotes will give you more of a reason to watch it. 

Do you relate to any of these quotes? Let us know in the comments below!
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Caitlyn Somers

Caitlyn is a third-year student at UCLA. She is majoring in English. She enjoys writing, and going to hot yoga classes and, of course, binge-watching Netflix. At UCLA, Caitlyn is a feature writer for HER Campus, part of the American Cancer Society club, and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta.

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