The Ultimate Ole Miss Freshman Bucket List

Are you ready for Ole Miss?
Hell yeah! Damn right! Hotty Toddy! Gosh almighty! Here is the ultimate Ole Miss freshman bucket list with ten things you definitely need to do before you complete your freshman year at Ole Miss!
1. Tailgate in the Grove.
Families and friends from the North to the South gather in the fall to tailgate in the Grove. Tailgating in ten acres of shady, oak trees with Rebel fans is the most important thing to do while you’re a Ole Miss freshman.
2. Go to Welcome Week!
Ole Miss really tries to make the student body a family. A big way of feeling like a family is Welcome Week! Welcome Week is a packed week with movies in the Grove, snowballs, photo booths, concerts, dance parties, and ball pit with strangers, Who wouldn’t want to miss that?
3. Participate in the Care Walk!
As Ole Miss kicks off recruitment, Greek affiliates and potential new members participate in the Care Walk on September 21st. All the money raised will go towards Baptist Cancer Center for Breast Cancer Research!
4. Watch Ole Miss beat Alabama for the third time in a row.
On September 17th, watch Ole Miss reach their 2016 football season goal of defeating Alabama for the third time! Bragging rights, crying Ole Miss fans, and a torn down goal post is something you do not want to miss.
5. Formal Recruitment is October 9th-October 16th.
For some girls, being in a sorority has been a dream they had since they were little. Well, now is the time! Starting October 9th to the 16th is formal recruitment for Panhellenic and inter-fraternity councils.
6. Become friends with your floor mates!
The easiest way to meet friends is by meeting the people that you live on the same floor with. Introduce yourself, leave the door open, and say “Hi!” to everyone in your hall. This is a great way to get to know people, watch the latest Bachelor episode with a group, or go to the square with!
7. Go to the Levee or Corner.
Ole Miss may be known as a big party school, but grades are very important to any student as well. Going to the Levee or Corner at least once while you are a Ole Miss freshman is important so you are able to get the full Ole Miss experience!
8. Attend Spring Parties
Fall weekends are usually spent in the Grove and at Vaught Hemingway Stadium, but weekends in the spring are spent in a totally different way. Spring parties are the biggest events that occur during this time for Ole Miss students. The most important part of spring parties? The outfits! Jeans, Camo, and boots are the main attire for guys. Glitter, boots, and shorts are the main attire for girls. So, get to shopping!
9. Eat at the C store at least once.
Depending on what dorm you are in there will be some sort of store to get your midnight snack. For Martin Hall there is the C store which sells chicken tenders, drinks, and more. What else would you need when you’re cramming for an exam the next morning?
10. Yell “Hotty Toddy” at any appropriate time.
There is no true meaning to Hotty Toddy, but to any Ole Miss freshman, student, or Rebel fan it means everything. Say Hotty Toddy to greet someone, to wish good luck to someone, or when Ole Miss beats Bama. Trust me, you will be greeted back by a Hotty Toddy!
You only get four years to be an Ole Miss student, but you get a lifetime to be an Ole Miss Rebel. Enjoy every time you wake up for your 8 am class, bid days, tailgates, spring parties, and beating Bama, because in a few short years you will no longer be a student and you will want nothing more than to go back to being an Ole Miss freshman. Hotty Toddy!
Do you have anything to add to this list for Ole Miss freshman? Share your thoughts and comment below!
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Emily Floyd was born and raised in Texas but will be attending Ole Miss for hospitality. After graduation Emily plans on being a resort coordinator at a beach!