10 Myths And Facts About Cellulite

There’s no such thing as a perfect body. Many of us have cellulite, all shapes and sizes. There’s so much misinformation about cellulite and along with that comes negative connotations. Here are some myths and facts about cellulite to help clear up any misconceptions and hopefully reduce the stigma that surrounds having cellulite.

1. Fact – Your Body Is Beautiful

Whether you have a little cellulite or a lot, your body is beautiful. Never let anyone put you down or shame you for how your body looks. Your body is completely your own and you decide your own self worth, you are not defined by your looks.

Cellulite is basically pockets of excess fat that push through the bands of tissue connecting muscle to skin. There’s no way to stop it before it starts, it is a natural part of having a body.

2. Myth – Cellulite Means You Are Fat

All shapes and sizes can develop cellulite and around 90% of women have it somewhere on their bodies. Cellulite is a type of subcutaneous fat, meaning that it serves as an insulation that lies beneath your skin. Everybody has subcutaneous fat because it is essential for survival which means everybody, even the slimmest of bodies, has cellulite. There’s no shame in it, it is natural and normal.

3. Fact – Women Get More Cellulite Than Men

Women tend to carry more fat around their hips and thighs than men do, which is where most cellulite appears. That’s not to say that men don’t get cellulite, around 10% do.

4. Myth – Skin Creams Can Cure Cellulite

No topical creams have been proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. They are more likely to help with slimming or toning skin, but not get rid of cellulite which seems to be almost impossible. Although still less proven, products with stimulant ingredients may help break down fat cells and improve circulation, if you should choose to act on the appearance of cellulite on your body.

5. Fact- Cellulite Is In Your Genes

If relatives of yours have cellulite, you are more likely to develop it too. Also, women are more likely to develop cellulite than men.

6. Myth – People With Unhealthy Diets Have More Cellulite

Having a healthy diet will benefit you physically and mentally, but it will not cure cellulite. Eating a healthy balanced diet will reduce inflammation in your body which may reduce the appearance of cellulite on your body but diet alone will not cure it.

See Also

7. Fact- Exercise Can Help Reduce Cellulite

Exercise helps you develop toned muscle and reduce fat in the body, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite on your body. That’s not to say that people who don’t exercise have more cellulite. There are many benefits to exercise other than reducing cellulite and any form of exercise is better than none.

8. Myth – Cellulite Can Negatively Affect Your Health

Having cellulite does not mean you are unhealthy. The only negative effects it has on your health is the way society tells you cellulite is ugly and undesirable.

9. Fact- There’s No Permanent Cellulite Solution

The appearance of cellulite is often beyond our control. Although things like diet and exercise can minimally reduce the appearance, they are not guaranteed. It is best to remind yourself that cellulite is natural and many people have it.

10. Myth – Compression Clothing Can Reduce Cellulite

Just a marketing gimmick. Wearing tighter gym leggings will stop your thighs jiggling for the moment but once you remove them there’ll be no impact. In fact, tighter clothing can be harmful by cutting off circulation and limiting blood flow.

Cellulite is a natural occurrence in the body and there should be no pressure on yourself to reduce the appearance, as long as you are happy and healthy in your body. Which of these myths and facts did you learn?

Featured image source:www.pinterest.com
Madelene Mcneill

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