Must-Watch Movies For All Twenty-Something-Year-Olds

Your twenties are a formative time in your life. Everything changes, from moving out of home to finding your first full-time job. Movies are a great way to escape the overwhelmingness of that stage of life. Here are eight must-watch movies to help cope with the struggles and cherish the joys of being twenty-something:
1. Legally Blonde (2001)
I mean, this was to be expected. No matter what its 71% Fresh Rotten Tomatoes score says, Legally Blonde is the perfect movie. Elle Woods is a role model for people of any age, but at twenty-something, it’s easier to connect with her character. The montage of Elle studying for her law classes is all-too relatable, especially for those finishing up their senior theses. If you’re graduating soon, I recommend watching this movie with a box of tissues at hand. Elle’s graduation speech always brings tears to my eyes. To quote Elle Woods, we all need to remember to that “it is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self” that we should embark into our twenties.
2. The Graduate (1967)
While some of the decisions the main character makes are questionable, all twenty-something-year-olds can sympathize with his what-to-do-after-graduation dread. Life after college is inarguably stressful. The Graduate captures this sense of uncertainty through beautiful cinematography and a captivating story. Out of all the movies on this list, this is not the one to watch with your family. Let that be a warning.
3. Good Will Hunting (1997)
Get ready for another tear-jerker. Good Will Hunting is one of those movies that will leave you questioning what you want to do with your life. This movie is free therapy for all twenty-something-year-olds; it helps that Robin Williams plays an actual therapist here. Maybe, like Will, you underestimate your abilities. Or maybe (also like Will), you’re prioritizing academics when they are, in fact, meaningless in the grand scheme of thigs. Good Will Hunting will leave you with a greater sense of purpose and a greater appreciation for the people around you. If you’re from Boston, this movie hits different.
4. Eat Pray Love (2010)
What I would do to drop all of my senior thesis work to travel to three different countries, stuff my face with food, and pursue various romantic relationships. Like a more lighthearted Good Will Hunting, Eat Pray Love teaches us that work is obsolete. If we want to understand our place in the world, we need to explore it. As Julia Roberts learns by the end of the movie, self-discovery is only possible when we leave our comfort zones. And also, eat the damn pizza. We’re all young and should embrace it. Have fun, eat whatever you want, and see all the sights. Life moves by so quickly, so don’t waste time stressing over the small stuff.
5. Pitch Perfect (2012)
Sometimes all you need is a good laugh. No matter how many times I’ve seen it, Pitch Perfect is one of the few movies that never fails to be funny. Whether you’re still in school or have recently graduated, Pitch Perfect will make you cherish your college days. Every character is absolutely absurd, but there’s one for every twenty-something-year-old to relate to. This movie will help you realize what college is really about; though classes are important, it’s the relationships and memories you make that you’ll remember for life. In your twenties, it’s also important to take risks. Leave your room, meet new people, and even join an acapella group, if you feel inclined to do so. Your twenties are what you make of them! To quote the iconic Fat Amy, however you choose to spend your twenties, I know you’ll “crush it.”
6. Soul (2020)
Technically, twenty-something-year-olds are not the intended audience for this movie. Though Soul is a Pixar movie, it really resonated with me, a twenty-one-year-old senior in college. Animated movies hold some inexplicable power to always make me cry. Soul was no different from the rest. I sobbed and even began to contemplate what my purpose is on this planet. At a time where I assumed my purpose was to graduate and get a job, Soul reminded me that I should focus on the little, simple things life has to offer. After all, those are what make you who you are.
7. Little Women (2019)
Leaving your family isn’t easy, but it’s all part of growing up. Little Women beautifully conveys the sadness and freedom of getting older, pursuing your dreams, and navigating complicated romantic (and familial) relationships. You’ll also find yourself heavily relating to one of the four March sisters. (I’m definitely a mix of Amy and Jo). Again, this is *technically* a movie for younger audiences, but who cares? It’s amazing, and you’re never too old for its message. I should say messages, as there are so many themes Little Women touches on. For one thing, we need to keep in mind that “just because someone’s dreams are different from yours doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.” Twenty-something-year-olds also should embrace their ambition, their talents, and their love for their family. Though you and your siblings might part ways, you’ll always return to each other.
8. Persepolis (2007)
Both the story and the animation are gorgeous. Persepolis is a semi-autobiographical movie, based on a semi-autobiographical graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi. Satrapi explores the tribulations of adolescence and early adulthood during a time of political upheaval. Persepolis is a very introspective film, examining how one’s external circumstances shape their identity. Its thoughtful insights on growing up and finding your own way in the world are why I recommend it to twenty-somethings. If you like this movie, check out the book!
I’m no film major, but these movies have made such an impact on my twenties so far. Make some popcorn, throw on your pajamas, and take some time away from work and school. Slow down and unwind: life isn’t going anywhere!
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Hi everyone! My name is Jill, and I'm a senior at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. There, I'm studying creative writing and sociology, with plans to work in publishing. Aside from reading and writing, I enjoy traveling and practicing self-care. If you want to connect, follow my Instagram @jillschuck!