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20 Must See Movies People Have Forgotten About

20 Must See Movies People Have Forgotten About

Settle into your couch, grab your favorite blanket and pop some popcorn because this list of movies will have you entertained for hours and hours. If you have ever had the feeling that you are missing references because of movies you have missed or that you think you have seen every move ever, we guarantee this list will help! These must see movies that have been forgotten about are movies that you will not want to miss!

1.) HeartbreakersĀ 

Year Released: 2001

Rating: PG-13


This movie is pure hilarity. A great cast always has a lot to do with the way a movie works and this movie has that. Ray Liota, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sigourney Weaver make for an interesting mixture in this movie about con woman and their cons.

2.) Fools Gold

Year Released: 2008

Rating: PG-13


Matthew McConaughey shirtless. Need. I. Say. More.

But seriously, Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey are a delicious combination when hunting for buried treasure. An easy going, romantic comedy that will have you entertained all the way through.

3.) Stand By Me

Year Released: 1986


Rating: R

Sometimes it is those must see classics that we often forget about. This heartbreaking coming-of-age tale is a must see classic that has been forgotten even though it stands the test of time.

4.) Mystic Pizza

Year Released: 1988


Rated: R

When talking Julia Roberts movies, it is so easy for all others to be outshone by great movies like Pretty Woman and Sleeping with the Enemy. But, Mystic Pizza is a must see movie with an amazing story line that twists and turns. If tells the story of sisters and friends and love and mourning and it is interesting from start to finish.

4.) Patch Adams

Year Released: 1998


Rating: PG-13

Grab the tissues, this one is a tearjerker. A Robin Williams special movie that will have you laughing and crying. It is different from his more comical roles and not as serious as some of his other roles. This is a really unique and moving feature you will not want to miss!

5.) My Cousin Vinny

Year Released: 1992


Rating: R

I mean, Joe Pesci in his prime, am I right? This movie is pure crime drama, comedy gold. It is funny, serious and way ahead of its time. Snuggle up on the couch with literally anyone and everyone will enjoy this movie.

6.) Dances with Wolves

Year Released: 1990


Rating: PG-13

If you are in the mood for a great historical fiction movie, this is the one for you. It has all of the magic of human nature, mixed with enticing story lines that criss and cross. A movie about love and friendship and two groups coming together for similar goals.

7.) Rain Man

Year Released: 1988


Rating: R

Another tearjerker with bursts of comedy, Rain Man will have your heart swelling and your smile bursting. A story about a family with an autistic brother becomes a tale about money, road trips and adapting that will keep you entertained the whole time.

8.) Baby Driver

Year Released: 2017


Rating: R

Another star filled cast delivers this unique and action packed film about a bank robbery get away driver. Many different dynamics lend a hand to make this a very entertaining film.

9.) The Gentlemen

Year Released: 2019


Rating: R

It is rare that you see a movie that is newly made and gives you nostalgic crime fighting or performing vibes. This film is brand new but you won’t be able to tell because the tall and plot is classic crime. However, the older plot is spruced up by a fantastic plot and cast.

10.) The Princess Bride

Year Released: 1987


Rating: PG

With all of the fairy tale movies old and new, this one tends to slip through the cracks but definitely not for good reason! When discussing fairy tales, this movie has to be seen! Not only is it well written, historical and entertaining, there are also great fight scenes and just amazing storytelling.

11.) City Slickers

Year Released: 1991


Rating: PG-13

I mean… midlife crisis, guys trying to reclaim some masculinity without their wives in the great wide open? Is there anything better than a movie like this?

12.) Hotel Rwanda

Year Released: 2004


Rating: R

This movie is a war drama and is not an easy going film. It is complex, heartbreaking and difficult to see. However, it is a deeply moving tale that follows the genocide in Rwanda, Africa. Definitely an important movie to see.

13.) Out of Africa

Year Released: 1985

See Also
Anne Hathaway. Rebel Wilson. Sandra Bullock. The list goes on, but these are just a few of our favorite leading ladies. Movies with strong female leads are making a splash on the big screen these days and we are loving it. Gone are the days where only men lead exciting bad ass lives.

Rating: PG

14.) Cheaper by the Dozen

Year Released: 2003


Rating: PG

Cheaper by the Dozen is a timeless movie and a funny comedy movie about a family with 12 kids. If you haven’t seen this movie, what? How could you have missed it! Steve Martin is fantastic as the father of the dozen and is hilarious as activities and hilarity ensues.

15.) Willow

Year Released: 1988


Rating: PG

16.) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Year Released: 1968

Rating: G


This is a fun movie cross between an adventure tale and a musical that will have parents and kids alike entertained and enthralled throughout the whole tale.

17.) The Sound of Music

Year Released: 1965


Rating: G

Another timeless musical movie. Sometimes forgotten about with all of the other musicals out there but this one is like no other!

18.) Dr. Doolittle

Year Released: 1998


Rating: PG-13

19.) The First Kid

Year Released: 1996

Rating: PG


This is an interesting movie about a First kid, or the child of a US president. The child is not excited about not being a normal kid and goes through that with his entertaining body guard!

20.) Jumanji

Year Released: 1995

Rating: PG


So, get your snacks and cue up the TV because you can kiss goodbye the next few hours of your life and enjoy these entertaining and amazing movies! Let us know in the comments below which of these 20 movies was your favorite and enjoy!

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