10 Must Haves For Your Kitchen To Save On Space

For those who have a small apartment-style kitchen – or just a tiny space in general – it can be hard to find room for cutlery, appliances, furniture and so on. Consequently, this can cause your kitchen to feel like more of a clutter – rather than a comfortability. Fortunately, this 10 must-haves for your kitchen can help you effectively save on space – so that you don’t have to feel crowded within your own home.
1. An Over-The-Door Hanging Pantry Organizer.
Is your pantry getting a little out of hand? If so, then you may want to consider this over-the-door hanging pantry organizer – to save you a lot more space in the long run. The best part about it is its wide array of compartments – for anything and everything – such as tea bags, condiments, seasonings, and spices. Fortunately, this will give you the option of collecting additional items that you may have not had room for prior.
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2. A Rotating Kitchen Organizer.
This Lazy Susan organizer serves as a kitchen must-have – for holding tools both big and small. In turn, this is something that you may want to consider if you’re not big on putting dishes away. Fortunately, this item saves you less time in doing so – so that you can have more time to cook all your favorite dishes. Not only that, but it has little hooks – which makes it easier to hang up utensils frequently used – so that they can be within reach for next time.
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3. A Magnetic Knife Rack.
One of the biggest ways that you can eliminate your kitchen of clutter is through this magnetic knife rack. Many people have a wooden knife rack of some sort – that remains propped up on the kitchen counter. Consequently, this can take up space in a negative way. But fortunately, this magnetic knife rack offers a solution to this problem – by keeping all of your major cutlery away from your counter top as a whole.
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4. A Nest 9 Plus Bowl Set.
Every single one of us has found ourselves frustrated with bowls at some point; they tend to do more harm than help – during the kitchen clean up process – and can oftentimes get in the way. However, this bowl set prevents that from happening – as each utensil – is made to fit perfectly inside the cusp of the other. Fortunately, this allows more space within your kitchen as all items can be stacked when placed within the cabinet.
5. A Mountable Trash Can.
If you have a small apartment – like me – then you definitely understand the struggle it can be to bump shoulders with the person next to you. In turn, if you want to save space then you must first make use of that which you already have. One simple way that you can do this through a mountable trash can. Fortunately, this prevents you from having unnecessary items on the floor – and will provide you with a lot more room than you might think.
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6. A Kitchen Wrap Organizer.
Some of us – me included – have a habit of throwing our kitchen wrap in the drawer that is closest to us. In doing so, we find that it’s more of a pain trying to get it out – then it was to put it in – as it catches on the roof of the drawer. Consequently, this makes it next to impossible to get out without denting the box completely. Fortunately, this kitchen wrap organizer keeps this from happening – by freeing your drawers of space, while keeping your wrap in good condition.
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7. An Attachable Coffee Machine.
Coffee pots can take up a lot of space – but for all of us coffee lovers out there – we know that eliminating it altogether is out of the question. So why not upgrade? Fortunately, this attachable coffee machine allows you to do just that by freeing up surface space. Not only that, but it features both a modern and trendy style – which will leave your guests in awe when you have them over for brunch.
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8. A Wall Mounted Cupboard.
Looking to expand on cabinet space? Then what better way is there to do that if not through this wall-mounted cupboard. With these additional shelves, you can easily cut the amount of area that you’re taking up in half. Not only that, but it can serve as a cute accessory to your home – by complimenting it as a whole – depending on your current color scheme.
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9. A Series Of Bar Stools.
Bigger chairs tend to fill up floor space quickly, but with bar stools you allow your kitchen to have a lot more room. Not only that, but these are much easier to put away when needed – because they can easily be pushed to the side, or propped up in a corner for later use. Just be sure that you get bar stools that are the right height for your countertop, tiki bar, or kitchen table. If not then they could take up just as much space as a chair – and cause you to feel less comfortable in the process.
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10. A Foldable Dish Rack.
A counter top dish rack is another item that never fails to take up space – but a foldable dish rack is a game-changer all it’s own. The best part about this tool is that you can easily fold it back up – after your dishes have completed the drying process – and store it elsewhere. Fortunately, this allows you to have more room on the surface of your kitchen counter so that you are able to move about more freely with little hassle.
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We hope that these 10 must-haves for your kitchen help you to save more space in the long run. Don’t forget to share – and let us know your favorites – in the comments below!
Featured image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/kitchen-interior-design-room-dining-2565105/
Whitney is a senior at Missouri State University - majoring in English/Creative Writing and minoring in Journalism. In her free time she enjoys freelance writing - and creating content for her blog. She writes to encourage/uplift others - and hopes to one day have her own magazine column.