Top 10 Must Have New Hot Apps

You’re playing a game on your phone that was popular a couple years ago, but has since been largely forgotten by most everyone. You don’t actually care for the game much, so you finally delete it. However, now you have a tiny problem: you need a new hot app to play! What are the newest apps that people are talking about? You can’t really trust the app/play store since there are new games on the ‘best apps’ list every day. There is only one thing left you can do: check the internet. By checking what people are saying online, you can get some sort of idea as to what the must have new hot apps are at the moment.
Alto’s Odyssey
You begin by searching the internet for a hot app that you can sit back and enjoy. While action oriented type apps are fun, you’re more in the mood for something that looks beautiful and relaxes you. Alto’s Odyssey is the app for you! The game will have you journey through a majestic landscape as you glide over the the ground. This game interests you, but you don’t like how it costs a bit of money. However, you think to yourself that it makes sense that an app as good looking as this will cost something.
Among Us!
Setting down your copy of Sherlock Holmes, you decide to test your detective skills by playing a hot app. Very quickly, you find out that ‘Among Us!’ is exactly what you’re looking for. Starting up the app for the first time, you find yourself in a space station where you’re told that one of the players is an impostor. It is up to you and the others (but you’ll be doing most of the work) to figure out who this person is. Every time someone thinks they have a clue, an emergency meeting is called and all the players, including the impostor, vote on who they think it is.
Tap Galaxy!
Tapping games are some of your favorite, so you’re pleased to discover that a new hot app, ‘Tap Galaxy’, has been created. You immediately download the app to see if it’s any good. Starting off, it’s just like any other tap game. After playing for around two hours, you don’t see any unfair or time consuming goals, which is a very good sign. No longer concerned about the game-play, you turn your attention to the visual design. While colorful, it’s not in your face, and the different colors of the planets and moons makes you want to keep playing.
You keep seeing everyone you know talk about Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch but, since money is a bit tight for you at the moment, you decide to check to see if there’s a hot app that offers a similar experience. You’re in luck, as you find ‘Outlanders’ without too much trouble. The game begins by placing you in the middle of the woods and proceeds to give you the task of building a town from nothing. This’ll take a lot of time, but that’s all you have right now, so you head over to a tree and start chopping.
Cube Surfer
Browsing the internet for a hot app that you can waste your time with, you come across an article that mentions a game called ‘Cube Surfer’. You’re not really interested, but you’ve got nothing else to do, so you scroll down for more info about it. Apparently, you play as a character who rides on square blocks with faces on them in a dream world where one slip will send you tumbling hundreds of feet to the ground. The goal of the game is to have at least one of these yellow blocks under you at all times while having them constantly removed by red barriers.
Unfortunately, there aren’t too many games that are rhythm based. You know it’s probably pointless, but you go on the app/play store and see if there are any new hot apps that are focused on music. Surprisingly, you find one called ‘Thumper’ where you control a little metal thing on rails. Deciding to check it out, you download it and begin to play, where you quickly realize that this game is harder than you were expecting. It can be quite frustrating when you get a game over from missing a split second beat, but you kinda like how it’s not too easy.
Art Inc.
You made a recent bet with your friend that there is no phone game (much less a hot app) that is able to educate their players while at the same time providing addicting game-play. After finding ‘Art Inc.’, you’re both frustrated that you lost the bet, and pleased that you found something cool to play. In the game, you’ll collect famous works of art by bidding at auctions, and then assigning people to watch over them while you buy more paintings. Before you know it, you’ve been playing for a few hours and have been completely sucked in.
According to the brief description, ‘Empty.’ is a puzzle game that you can relax with, although you have your doubts. Since you get annoyed easily, it’s usually hard for you to really relax while playing any game. You actually first heard about this game from a friend with a similar problem so, trusting their judgement, you purchase it from the store and start to play. The first couple levels are pretty easy, as all they have you do is remove objects from a room until it’s empty. The unique design of each level also helps calm you down, and you can’t believe it, but it actually did help you relax!
Ministry of Broadcast
Have you ever wanted to be part of a reality TV show where you life is constantly in real danger? Well, that doesn’t exist in real life, but you can get a hot app that has that exact premise. At least it’s something, right? The visual design of this game is very pretty and you can tell that a lot of work went into this part. Question is, does the game-play match the quality of the visuals? In a way, yes it does. The puzzles and platforming that the character has to work their way through fits very well with the look of the game. It’s not fast paced, but it doesn’t have to be. The game works in it’s current form.
Crux: A Climbing Game
You love the idea of rock-climbing but, sadly, you’re scared of heights, so you aren’t able to do it in real life. However, thanks to this new hot app, you can at least experience a fraction of what climbing feels like. ‘Crux’ has you guide a rock-climber around the wall from one handhold to another as you constantly ascend to the top. Like actual rock-climbing, you’ll need to plan a route that will allow you to succeed. Heading up the wall with no plan in mind will get you nowhere. Don’t worry, though! As with real rock-climbing, practice makes perfect!
Are you looking for a new hot app to try? Have any of these piqued your interest? Let us know in the comments below!
A new face on the writing scene, Josh VanAkker brings a breath of fresh air to the world of blogging. He enjoys working with new styles of writing, and has employed a good number of them in his many blog posts.