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10 Movies to Watch with Your Boyfriend

10 Movies to Watch with Your Boyfriend

Let me set the stage for you. You and your boyfriend have been together for a bit now—you’re at that stage where all you want to do is find excuses to cuddle up together. A movie night is the perfect way to stay in, but still do something fun. Here are 10 movies to watch with your boyfriend.

Your movie should set a light and romantic atmosphere without being too cheesy or a recipe for waterworks. You want something that you don’t need to pay super close attention to in case the two of you get a little “distracted.” Most of all, you want a movie that will be entertaining! So, I bet you’re wondering, “What on Earth could I rent that would cover all these requirements?” Well, I’m glad you asked. This is my list of go-to movies for date night, as well as a couple honorable mentions.

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That Thing You Do!

That Thing You Do! was written and directed by Tom Hanks, who also stars in the movie. How can you not love a movie by and with Tom Hanks? This movie follows a garage band’s rise to the top (Top 40, that is) in the 1960’s. Everything about this movie is fantastic—the story, the dialogue, the casting, and the music! This movie will have you tapping your toes and feeling fantastic.

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride is a movie sure to please everyone. It’s jam packed with fighting, revenge, true love, monsters, and miracles. Honestly, if you or your boyfriend haven’t seen The Princess Bride, stop reading this article and go turn it on. Drop everything and go find it online. This movie is a true classic, and I guarantee you two will, at the very least, appreciate its cultural relevance.

The Parent Trap

Ah, The Parent Trap, a great American classic for millennials. You couldn’t be growing up as a little girl in the early 2000’s and not have seen The Parent Trap. Okay, hear me out. I actually just recently revisited this movie and it’s more wonderful than I remembered. Not only is it the product of supreme Disney writing, but the secondary story between the parents is seriously magical and will make you believe that true love really does exist. I’d also like to add that the soundtrack is perfect.


Sleepless in Seattle

A classic Nora Ephron film that starts American sweethearts Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, Sleepless in Seattle is a romantic comedy without the overdone, overused rom-com formula. What I love the most is Ephron’s dialogue, it’s witty and smart but also totally relateable. If you want to impress your boyfriend with your clever sense of humor and perfect choice in movies, this film is for you.

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Roxanne is based off of an old French play called “Cyrano de Bergerac.” The modern take on the story stars Steve Martin as a fire fighter with a crazy huge nose who is in love with the town beauty. It’s a little screwball and a lotta sweet. This movie is in perfect Steve Martin fashion, and will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

The Wedding Singer

I have never been any kind of Adam Sandler fan, but The Wedding Singer is just so charming that I can’t help but love it! The 80’s setting is just so fun. The clothes, the music, the cultural references—it’s all good. It’s also surprisingly well-written! I personally think Drew Barrymore is adorable and the supporting cast is so loveable you’ll just want to squeeze them. Since you can’t actually hug through the TV, you’ll just have to hug your boyfriend instead!


When Harry Met Sally

This is my favorite movie of all time. This is the mother of all romantic comedies—this movie made rom-coms what they are today. This is the original story of how to make it out of the friend zone. This is actually the first movie I’d show any potential suitor to make sure they love it, because if they don’t, that means they are a dud I can’t date them. This movie is serious business, because it’s just that good!

Begin Again

Begin Again was one of my favorite movies from 2013. This movie has a dream team cast—Keira Knightly, Mark Ruffalo, Adam Levine, James Cordon, Hailee Steinfield, the list goes on and on. The plot follows Knightly and Ruffalo’s characters as they record an album on the streets of New York. It’s so refreshing and so stinking good. It will make you wanna get up and dance with a cute boy (or girl)!

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Ellen Paige. Michael Cera. Jason Reitman. Awesome soundtrack. Juno is the movie that dreams are made of. It’s insanely smart and sweet. The movie deals with the tough, relevant reality of dealing with a teen pregnancy with grace and a healthy dash of humor. If you want a movie that will strike up a lively, intelligent conversation afterward, I think this is the perfect film for you.

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These cheap date ideas are perfect for anyone who wants to save money. You'll be saving tons of money and still having a lot of fun!

You’ve Got Mail

This is probably the sappiest movie on this list, but the chemistry between Tom and Meg is so great that you can’t help but grin through the entire movie. In addition, the end is so, so good. It will leave you in a cuddly mood for hours… If y’know what I mean.



Honorable Mention

Moonrise Kingdom

This was the first movie directed by Wes Anderson that I ever watch. Moonrise Kingdom is a testament to the innocence of childhood love. It’s a little on the strange side (Wes Anderson is a weird, artsy dude), but if you’re into sweet cinematography and goofy characters, then this movie is for you.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

Steve Carell and Keira Knightly make the perfect unlikely duo in this unconventional disaster movie. They are perfect. This movie is perfect. Just watch it. Be warned: the end will make you weep like a child.

Bringing Up Baby

Bringing Up Baby is one of the first romantic comedies ever made. Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn make you forget that black and white film is anything but normal. If you’re feeling a little adventurous and nostalgic, give it a try. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


Let us know what your favorite date night movies are in the comments below or tweet us @SOCIETY19!