Categories: After College

10 Movies To Watch When You’re Bored

There is always that one movie that you can watch at any given time of the day to take up some time that you have. We all have those movies to watch when we’re bored. It could be your favorite or one that you can throw on just for some white noise while you go on your phone or do chores.

1. Twilight Series

These movies are so cringe. However, if you actually set some time aside to binge watch the whole series you can’t help but get invested. The movies at time are so ridiculous you can’t help but wonder how they got so popular. But, if you were in middle school when these came out, you understand the hype around Team Jacob or Team Edward. I mean, who can forget about the baseball scene in the woods? The music? The intensity over vampires playing baseball? Cringe but also iconic.

2. The Fault In Our Stars

This movie should be watched when you have nothing else to watch and you’re by yourself. This movie will make you ugly cry. The emotional investment you get from the two main characters is unmatched. Personally, I think the best time to watch movies that will make you cry is when you’re hungover in bed and are dreading the week ahead of you. Just get it all out then and there. If you’re hungover with your roommates, I suggest making a mega bed on your living room floor and all sit there with snacks and cry together. It sounds sketch, but sometimes it is needed. Also, if you’re an OG you read this book in middle school then watched the movie with a group of your friends and gawked over Ansel Elgort. 

3. Harry Potter Series

This series has a cult following. It is something that you subconsciously join. And if you think you’re not apart of it, I strongly encourage you to think again. I never thought I was deeply involved with the Harry Potter series, but one time I took a “Which house are you?” quiz and was offended when I got Hufflepuff? I can barely tell you the difference between the houses if it’s not Gryffindor or Slytherin. Yet somehow that got under my skin. I think what’s special about the Harry Potter movies, is that you watch the characters all grow up throughout it. You’re also lying if Daniel Radcliffe wasn’t one of your first childhood crushes. You better set a few days aside to watch all eight Harry Potter movies from start to finish. If you only have a little bit of time though, I think it’s safe to say that we’ve seen them all enough times to pick a random one and still know what’s going on.

4. Iron Man

Iron Man is one of the greatest movies ever created and I will take that to my grave. Robert Downey Jr. in all of the Iron Man movies makes watching them that much better. I think it’s also safe to say that all the Marvel Superhero movies also have a cult following. These movies can be watched over and over again and never become boring. This is definitely a movie you can watch while doing chores around the house and still know what’s going on even if you’re in another room.

5. Dark Knight

Another classic. Heath Ledger singlehandedly put the team on his back in this movie. The action that ensues in this movie is what makes it so good to watch when you’re bored. It captivates you while also giving you some times to doze off but still be aware of what’s going on when you wake back up. 

6. Us

This is a movie to watch when you want to watch something scary and you’re by yourself. While this movie is pretty scary, it’s manageable on your own. This movie is not one you can just turn on and forget that you’re cozied up wasting time. This is one that will make you think and that the little details matter. It’s an amazing movie with twists that you didn’t see coming. It can be watched multiple times and never get old.

7. John Tucker Must Die

A classic. Turn this on if you’re bored and need a good chick flick. John Tucker Must Die is an amazing movie that ends in a way you didn’t initially expect. It’s definitely a movie that can be watched when you’re bored, but maybe space it out two to three months. It’s a good movie but once you watch it enough you start to memorize what happens and while that’s good for movies when you’re bored, sometimes it gets too cheesy. 

See Also

8. Crazy Stupid Love

Two words, Ryan Gosling. I could watch this movie on repeat. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in this movie is a pair that I never knew I needed. Add Steve Carell and you have created magic. Don’t forget about the son who’s in love with his nanny and a weird love triangle ensues. It can be watched anytime of the year with anyone for any occasion. It’s that good. 

9. Ratatouille

For some reason, Ratatouille memes have been thrown all over the place recently. Making this a must add to the list of movies to watch when you’re bored. Also, I don’t know if it’s just me, but whenever I watch this movie it makes me want to go to Paris and eat. Or at least attempt to make Ratatouille on my own. This is one of my favorite movies, I won’t lie. I’ve seen this movie so many times that I know the lines to it. It’s not something that I am necessarily proud to admit. Let’s be honest, though, who doesn’t love a childhood Disney movie they can watch mindlessly? I hope everyone has at least one Disney movie they turn on when they have absolutely nothing to watch.

10. The Devil Wears Prada

Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway came together in this movie to create a cinematic masterpiece. I’m not joking. These two women are badasses in this movie. Let’s be real, I think almost every movie Meryl Streep is in is amazing. This is another movie that makes me want to pack up my bags and experience a different city. 

Jenna Walker

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