10 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas She Will Absolutely Love

She raised you to be the person you are today, and you love her for that. She sacrificed so much for you, so honestly finding her that perfect gift is a lot of pressure. But worry no more- here are 10 mother’s day gift ideas she will absolutely love!
1. Matching Jewelry
This one is super fun because you get a gift out of it too. I’m talking about matching jewelry. There are so many options for matching bling, especially on Etsy where you can customize your designs. Matching initials? You got it. Design with the lyrics to You Are My Sunshine? Done. There are infinite ways to match jewelry options, and wearing your matching jewelry will make you feel close to Mom even when you’re apart.
I’d definitely recommend this if you go to school far away from your family. Homesickness is gone!
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2. Spa Day
I mean, seriously… who doesn’t love a spa day? You can either buy your Mom a gift card to a spa and let her have her own day of rest and relaxation, or you could pay to go with her. You know your Mom best and whether she’d enjoy having the alone time or not (I know my socially anxious Mother probably wouldn’t). Depending on your Mom, you might get a fun spa day out of it too.
3. Self-Care Kit
I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t love to receive a self-care kit. Moisturizers, face masks, and bath bombs? Sign me up. This is the perfect option if you think your Mom would really love a spa day but you can’t afford it. Bring the spa to her! I love this mother’s day gift idea.
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4. Photoshoot With Your Siblings
This is one of the mother’s day gift ideas that I’ve seen bring mothers to tears. One year my three cousins enlisted me to do a portrait session with all of them for Mother’s Day. They took the photos of the three of them, put it in a nice fancy frame… and boom, tears from their Mom. My Aunt loved it, and your Mom will too. Especially if you and your siblings don’t take pictures together very often. Plus, if you know someone with a nice camera who is willing to take pictures of your family for free, you’re really only paying for printing and a frame.
5. Family Birthstone Jewelry
Listen, most Moms love jewelry, right? But they love it, even more, when it has a special meaning (who doesn’t). Enter birthstone jewelry. There are so many options on Etsy for custom jewelry that contain the birthstones of everyone in your family. From rings to bracelets, to necklaces… the options are endless. Plus, almost every combination of jewels is beautiful in its own way.
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6. Plants
One of the best mother’s day gift ideas if you’re running low on money but still want to get your Mom something special is a plant. No, I’m not talking about flowers from the grocery store (although that’s totally an option too). I’m talking about the potted plants you see next to all of the roses. Moms take care of things, right? If they’re anything like my Mom, they’re nurturing and caring, and would love to take care of a plant… Especially one that they received from their child on Mother’s Day.
7. Wine
Again, this is one of the best mother’s day gift ideas if you’re not flush with cash. Also just a really great option because… I mean… it’s wine. Who doesn’t love wine? Wine makes everyone happy, and it makes a fantastic gift. Does your Mom have a specific favorite wine? Get that. Is she just a wine enthusiast in general? Get her your favorite kind and show her what great taste her child has! Don’t know what wine your Mom likes and you don’t have a favorite either? Ask a friend for a recommendation (personally, I’d get rosé). With so many wines to choose from, you’re bound to find one that your Mom will like.
8. Brunch
Another relatively low budget gift depending on where you go is brunch. I have never met a single Mom who didn’t love going out to brunch. In fact, I secretly think that once you have a child your brain reprograms itself to love brunch. But I digress… Brunch is the perfect option if you want the chance to spend some quality time with your Mom on Mother’s Day, and get killer french toast and mimosas too. One of the mother’s day gift ideas that is mutually beneficial!
9. Merchandise From Their Favorite Show
Is your Mom a dork like my Mom? (Sorry Mom, you know it’s true. I say this as a dork myself.) If so- merchandise from their favorite show or movie franchise is always a great option. Was she obsessed with Game of Thrones? Get her a clever t-shirt. In love with Star Trek? Grab some of the old episodes on DVD.
The options here are endless since the number of things your Mom could be a dork about are also never-ending. This is an awesome gift because it shows your Mom that you know a lot about her and what she likes, and you know how to personalize a gift to fit her tastes.
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10. Hand Written Letter
Perfect for anyone who is completely broke (hello, me too). There are plenty of mother’s day gift ideas that you don’t have to go into debt for. She wouldn’t want that (I hope). Handwrite her a letter! My best friend didn’t have any money this Christmas so she wrote everyone she loved a letter by hand, and it was so beautiful. It was ten times more meaningful than anything object she could have bought me. This is another one that I’m told brought her mother to tears. If your Mom is the sentimental type, this is definitely the gift for her.
I’m not sure what I’m going to get my Mom yet, but I know that I’m definitely going to do #10 if I’m broke. It’s just such a good gift. What do you think? Have any good mother’s day gift ideas? What gift are you going to get your Mom for Mother’s Day that she’ll absolutely love?
Photo by Matt Hoffman on Unsplash
Sophomore at Southern New Hampshire University and a native-born Philly girl.