The Top 10 Most Heartbreaking Grey’s Anatomy Deaths, Ranked

Get ready for a throwback, here are the most heartbreaking Grey’s Anatomy deaths of some of the most beloved characters that have been on the show. Grey’s Anatomy has become one of the most popular shows of recent years, going on 15 seasons after recently becoming renewed by ABC. For any show to be able to last so long and amass such a substantial fan base, there has to be something truly special about it.
Grey’s Anatomy is known for its twisty writing, romance, medical dramatics, and first and foremost its utterly heartbreaking nature. Yes, this show is perhaps best known for killing some of its most beloved characters and throwing the fans, myself included, into a complete frenzy. There are some deaths that I will just never forget, and neither will the rest of the ten million some-odd fans who have gotten attached to all the characters. Here’s a brutal reminder of the most heartbreaking deaths to occur on the hit show.
Thanks, Shonda.
1. Derek Shepherd
You know, the guy that Meredith loved? The death that was totally and utterly AVOIDABLE? Yeah. If only he had been the one to oversee himself after the accident he would be fine! Let’s not forget Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” playing the whole time. I don’t think I can ever bring myself to watch that episode again.
2. Samuel Norbert Avery
April and Jackson, together against all odds. Out of their love comes the beautiful miracle of a baby boy. Then, right when we think a couple might be able to be happy, they have to give little Samuel Avery a life-threatening disease that causes him to die in April’s arms only minutes after birth. Harsh.
3. Lexie Grey
That terrible plane crash, arguably one of the hardest episodes of the entire series. One of the truly most tragic Grey’s Anatomy deaths was Lexie’s. She was crushed to death, and only seconds after Mark finally returned to admit his undying (sorry) love for her, “I’ve always loved you, I’ll always be in love with you.”
4. Denny Duquette
He and Izzie fell in love while he was in the hospital suffering congestive heart failure. She went through great, even exceedingly dangerous, lengths to save him because she had fallen so hard for him. In the end, it wasn’t enough. He died in her arms and she refused to leave the bathroom floor for a week. Cue Snow Patrol and a flood of tears.
5. Mark Sloan
A casualty in the aftermath of the plane crash. The extensive injuries he suffered after the crash left him on life support. His will showed that he only wanted to be left on life support for 30 days before they pulled the plug. Five o’clock…
6. Adele Webber
Adele was the strong-willed wife of Richard Webber, and she deserved better. After suffering from Alzheimer’s for a while, she had to undergo surgery, after which she suffered a heart attack and died. Poor Richard had to grieve at Bailey’s wedding.
7. George O’Malley
It was so sudden. He was enjoying a day out with his family when his life-saving instincts kicked in, and he pushed a woman out of the way of an oncoming bus only to be hit himself. He was so badly injured that no one in the hospital could recognize him until he traced his alias “007” over Meredith’s hand. Everyone was left devastated when he ultimately died; honestly one of the hardest Grey’s Anatomy deaths to go through as a viewer and watch. In true O’Malley style, though, he donated most of his organs to save so many more lives.
8. Ellis Grey
The somewhat stern and cold mother of Meredith Grey, Ellis, too, suffered from Alzheimer’s later in life. After a long and grueling struggle with the disease and a short deceiving period of lucidity, she died. The aftermath for Meredith was the worst part of this one. One of the most heartbreaking Grey’s Anatomy deaths.
9. Heather Brooks
Mousey! She tried to help Dr. Webber, who had been mildly electrocuted after a power outage, but didn’t see the electricity running through the water where she was about to step. She stepped into the pool and was also electrocuted, hitting her head on the generator box as she fell. The swelling in her brain was too much and she died pretty soon. She had such potential as a blooming neurosurgeon.
10. Henry Burton
Teddy married him so he could have her insurance and get the life-saving treatment he needed but couldn’t afford. They slowly and painfully fell in love with each other, then she had to watch him die.
Which Grey’s Anatomy deaths were the hardest to watch? Die hard Grey’s fans, let us know in the comments below!
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My name is Kassidy Barber, I'm 20 years old, and I'm currently working on my B.A. in English with a minor in web communications at the University of Alabama in Huntsville! I love video games, lots of T.V. shows, dogs, and especially food (both cooking and eating)!