Categories: Lifestyle

Top 10 Most Fashionable Masks

During the current pandemic which we’re all facing at the moment, we have been required to wear masks over our faces. These masks, in addition to making it a little harder to breathe, usually don’t look very nice. The most common ones are just the plain light blue medical masks that, before COVID, you only saw on medical dramas. You hate wearing a mask everywhere you go because people aren’t able to see your amazing and expressive face anymore. Your personality shines through your facial expressions but, nowadays, no one can tell what face you’re making. Let your inner ‘you’ shine out with these fashionable and unique masks.

See through mask

Your first thought when looking for facial masks is to get one that is incredibly fancy, since you like to think of yourself as a classy person. Without looking too hard, you find one that appears to be exactly what you’re looking for. This mask is made from a see through (but expensive looking) black material with golden swirls. Who cares if this isn’t a safe mask to wear. That is only secondary to your wish. With this ultra cool (and ultra expensive) mask, everyone will be talking about you. Sure enough, you get so much attention when you go to a restaurant the next day that the waiter comes over to your table to escort you out of the establishment because you’re too popular (or so you think).

Shrek mask

Remember the Shrek movie? It’s actually a pretty old film now (19 years ago!), but has recently become popular again due to some memes. You see this mask when shopping in a small store on your way home for Halloween, and you can’t resist buying it since you know that everyone will love it. On the plus side, it actually fits your personality fairly well, too, because you’re kind of a grouchy person that doesn’t like to leave home too often. Unfortunately, you can’t do Shrek’s voice at all and, whenever you try, you always get lightly teased by your siblings. 

Jaws mask

You have a friend who you live with back at your apartment who’s really into fishing, so you decide to look for masks online that he may enjoy. The first one you find is a little boring (a simple ocean wave), but you’re getting tired of searching for masks, so you seriously consider buying it. During the check-out process, you happen to glimpse, out of the corner of your eye, another water themed mask that is infinitely better than the one you have in your online cart: a shark mask. This is one of the coolest masks that you’ve ever seen, and so you decide to get that one instead


Starry Night mask

After wearing the see through mask for a while, you realize that, when the employees at the restaurants and movie theaters asked you to leave, it wasn’t because they thought you were uncomfortable due to all the attention you were receiving. No, it was because your mask was not up to regulations and so they were forced to kick you out. You feel so embarrassed at this thought that you immediately throw the mask away and order a starry night one, which isn’t as nice looking as some of the other, more popular masks, but reflects your personality all the same.

Anonymous mask

You believe you’re a secretive person, so you want some masks that reflect that part of you, even though it’s nowhere near as big a part of your personality as you think it is. When you tell your roommate, Jerry, that you want to buy some secretive masks, he encourages you by saying that you are the most mysterious person he knows and that he can never predict what you’ll do next. You let him continue to praise you for around 20 minutes, then you ask for his help in finding some masks. Jerry is quite surprised by this request, and reiterates how he can never figure you out.

Kevin from Home Alone mask

Home Alone is one of your favorite Christmas movies, so you decide to look online to see if there are any masks that take inspiration from the film. Unfortunately, you don’t find many, and the ones you do see aren’t very good (they either have the logo or Kevin’s entire face on the mask). After about a week of looking on and off, you finally find one that has the iconic screaming face of Kevin, but only the lower half so it appears as if you’re the one yelling. You buy it, of course, but you decide to wait to wear it until the Christmas season when you can surprise everyone with the funny mask.

See Also

Bright color splashes mask

You have this artistic friend that, whenever you see her, always always talks about painting. Her favorite painter is Van Gough, and she has replicas of all his most famous paintings hanging in her house. Since her birthday is coming up soon, you decide to get her one or two masks that reflect her love of art. Now, you could give her your starry night mask, since you haven’t worn it yet, but you really like that one so instead, you choose to give her one that has a printed image of paint splashed over a white canvas.

Cat mask

Are you a cat person? No, not really, but your sister is, so that’s why you’ve just bought a mask with a cat face. You suppose that it looks alright if you’re into cats but, to you, it doesn’t seem very appealing. Anyways, during the holiday season, you present this mask to your sister, who looks at it for a second with a slight frown, and then sets it down on the table. Sighing, she asks you why you couldn’t spend more money on her for her birthday. She knows that the mask was only, like, 1o dollars, and she asks you if that’s all she’s worth to you. You think that, perhaps, you should’ve thought harder about her gift.

Homer Simpson mask

It’s been a long time, but you used to watch The Simpsons on TV. You’ve stopped doing this in recent years because you believe that the show isn’t as good as it originally was when you were watching it. The reason you’re thinking of the Simpsons at this moment is because you’ve just seen some really cool Homer Simpson masks at your local Wal-Mart, which you’re considering buying. You suppose that it wouldn’t hurt to just get one, since you used to watch the show religiously back in the day. After debating with yourself for a few moments, you choose to buy it and only wear it on Tuesdays, since that was the day you always watched the show.

No signal mask

Speaking of television, do you remember the time before everyone used online streaming services to watch TV? You grew up with an antenna on top of your TV. Recalling how a bright and colorful screen almost always popped up when messing with the antenna, you decide to check online to see if there are any masks for sale that will constantly remind you of that nostalgic time in your life. Luckily, you don’t search too long for one, since the first website you visit has exactly what you’ve been hoping to find.

Have you ever worn a really fashionable mask before? If so, what did it look like? Let me know in the comments below!

Joshua Vanakker

A new face on the writing scene, Josh VanAkker brings a breath of fresh air to the world of blogging. He enjoys working with new styles of writing, and has employed a good number of them in his many blog posts.

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