20 Most Delicious Things That You Need To Eat In Minneapolis Before You Die (Or Graduate)

Minneapolis is home to a lot of things. Two of these things and arguably the most important, are great food and the University of Minnesota. Here are 20 of the best things to eat in Minneapolis, and where to get them. What are you waiting for? Eat up.
1. Annie’s Parlour — Malts And Burgers
The campus classic, Annie’s never disappoints. Go for a huge malt in the flavor of your choice, or for a classic juicy burger on the patio. Or both.
2. Purple Onion — French Toast
Purple Onion (or Ponion) is a cafe and popular study spot, but also serves good food, most notably, my favorite is the french toast.
3. Himalayan — Chicken Tikka Masala Bowl
This place is like a burrito bowl for Himalayan food. Their chicken tikka masala is fantastic, served over rice with any of your favorite vegetables and sauces. Get some feta naan as well if you want it to be a perfect meal.
4. Wally’s — Lamb And Beef Shawarma Platter Or Sandwich, And Hummus With Pita
I can not go to Wally’s without ordering all of these things. However, Wally’s is amazing and has a huge menu, so it’s hard to go wrong.
5. Mesa — Mac And Cheese Slice Of Pizza
The campus classic. So dignified and simple.
6. MyBurger — Original With Fries And Special Sauces
MyBurger has great burgers, even better fries, and the special sauce options take the whole thing to the next level.
7. Insomnia Cookies — Anything Right Out Of The Oven
You know you want one right now.
8. Bona — Pho
Certified by my vegan roommate, their vegan pho is apparently one of the best vegan options on campus.
9. Al’s Breakfast — Pancakes
Als’s–go for the experience–leave filled up with tasty pancakes.
10. Brasa — Potato And Chorizo Chilaquiles
Good lord of food, I still dream about this. It’s sensational.
11. Qdoba — Breakfast Burrito
No one seems to realize that Qdoba makes breakfast burritos that are cheap and delicious and put Chipotle to shame (yes, I said it).
12. Lands End Pasty Co. — Pepper Jack Chicken Pasty
A lesser known gem, Lands End is tucked down the alley by Shuang Cheng, and they serve killer pasties. Chicken pepper jack is my favorite, but they have tons of good ones.
13. Chatime — Peach Black Tea With Rainbow Jellies
Not a food item, but with the jellies you’re chewing so it counts. This is the best possible summer drink I can think of.
14. Shuang Cheng — Fried Rice, Dumplings, Wontons, Chicken, Seafood, Or Basically Anything Else
Ahhh, Shuang Cheng, the epitome of college dining. Fast, cheap, and so freaking delicious. I haven’t had anything bad there yet, and the portions are huge.
15. Blaze Pizza — Create Your Own Perfect Pizza
There are many pizza places on campus, but only one lets you create exactly what you want with approximately a million combination options.
16. Afro Deli — Lamb Or Chicken Gyros
Afro Deli, now in it’s new and much more convenient location, serves incredible gyros, sandwiches, and sides. It’s a campus staple.
17. Raising Canes — Tenders, Fries, Special Sauce, And A Big Old Piece Of Toast
Cane’s is king. Seriously, those who have never experienced the majesty are missing out so bad.
18. Little Szechuan — Your Favorite Chinese Dish
Little Szechuan seems to make anything good. So, whatever Chinese food you like is probably a safe bet to order here.
19. Bar Luchador — Snazzy Tacos
This newer spot is a welcome break from the more typical pizza places and Asian restaurants in the area, and serves awesome and original tacos right in the heart of Stadium Village.
20. Bar Louie — Giant $5 Burgers On Tuesdays
This stop is farther off campus, but worth the journey. Dive out to uptown any Tuesday night for huge, topping loaded burgers, with a side, for only $5. No regrets.
Hello foodies, what do you think the best things to eat in Minneapolis are? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Featured image source: pinterest.com

Connoisseur of adventures and intriguing things. Freelance writer and editor. Constantly reading or exploring.