The 10 Most Bizarre Supreme New York Collaborations

Fashion is synonymous with Supreme New York, as they are the grandfather of streetwear and fashion. For over twenty years, Supreme has consistently brought some of the best streetwear items that can resell for thousands of dollars. However, Supreme has always had a weird side to it that attracted me, as they do collaborations with almost anyone and everyone on almost any item you can think of. You don’t even have to do fashion! That’s why I compiled a small list of the top 10 most bizarre Supreme New York Collaborations!
1. Everlast
Our very first placement on this list is Everlast, and I know any lover of Supreme may already want to click off this article. But be honest to yourself, there is something a little bizarre about the line of boxing items. We have every item a championship boxer would need. There is a jump rope, a handgrip, a folding exercise mat, a pretty awesome boxer robe, and even a punching bag. The true crème de la crème of the collection is the boxing gloves. There are a few colors, but a sealed pack of the red boxing gloves is considered a grail piece by many collectors. Pro Tip, if you are wondering what color to get off a Supreme item, always go for red!
2. Kidde Fire Extinguisher
The first accessory on our list is a hot item from 2015 that was only sold in Supreme stores. Supreme partnered with Kidde to bring probably the first (and most likely last) streetwear branded fire extinguisher! Yeah, there isn’t much to say about this one. Imagine any other fire extinguisher you have ever seen… and now imagine the side of it says “Supreme”. There ya go.
(I apologize to every reader for the blurry picture, as there are not too many online available for this item… if you get your hands on one, make sure to upload some high-resolution photos)
3. Cash Cannon
This item probably makes the most sense of any item on this list. The cash cannon is the ultimate flaunt your wealth accessory. So anyone could say slapping a Supreme logo on the side of one would move units. This item sold out almost immediately online, but it was almost too much of a good collaboration for its good. I don’t think anyone uses this item unironically. It is mostly kids and hardcore collectors that want this piece, that being said this piece has dozens of knock-off versions online. That doesn’t add to the article, I just find it funny that someone would buy a knock-off cash cannon, now that seems ironic.
4. Playboy
Supreme New York & Playboy is not a bizarre collaboration in itself. One of my favorite Supreme items ever is part of a playboy collaboration. However many agree that one of the worst pieces they had was their line of striped soccer jersey polos. For being the grandfather of fashion, Supreme had a misstep here. There’s a lot of layers to unfold here. First, it is soccer jersey material but it is a polo. Then you add vertical stripes only work with so many outfits, but then you plaster the Playboy Bunny across the center of the shirt and you lose me. I have always thought this shirt looks like a fake eBay listing, and I always thought the yellow one looked like an old school McDonald’s uniform.
5. MTA Metrocard
This piece was only released in three cities in Manhattan, Brooklyn or Queens, and only at select subway stations. When this piece dropped, people were lined up around the block trying to get a card. This item is bizarre because it is one of the few items that wasn’t even sold by Supreme, and rather it was sold by the collaborative partner.
6. Oakland Raiders
This collaboration kind of makes sense for a store located in California, but once you weigh in the fact that Supreme does more business online than in person, you start to understand why this item is was a misstep. Anyone who is a member of literally ANY other football team fanbase will pass on this piece. Not to mention, I have not met many followers of fashion who double as a Raiders fan. This is only a piece for Oakland natives, and I remember this item sitting in the online store for weeks. This piece is bizarre in a bad way.
7. Kermit The Frog
Every few seasons Supreme does a photo tee featuring a celebrity wearing the legendary white box logo tee. Past celebrity collaborations including Morrissey, 3 6 Mafia, and even Neil Young. The most off the wall celebrity tee though features Kermit the Frog. Kermit dawns the box logo tee, but the line also includes a line of skateboards which is a grail piece for many collectors. Don’t get your hopes up about adding this to your collection though, unless you have a thousand dollars sitting around and dozens of hours to search for one.
8. Ludens
When someone asks me what my favorite Supreme piece is, I grab my sealed pack of Ludens cough drops. I love the sheer randomness of Supreme accessories, so a box of cough drops with the iconic red box logo is a must-have for me. But it didn’t even stop there, because they also dropped a tee in several colors, as well as my favorite beanie they’ve ever dropped, the black Ludens beanie. Do you know how big your clothing brand has to be for Ludens to do a special collaboration and to allow you to sell it exclusively in your stores?
9. Louis Vuitton
This lineup is bizarre in the most interesting way. Louis Vuitton and Supreme collaborate frequently and push out some of the most expensive fashion items of all time. A Louis Vuitton skateboard with the branded trunk can go for one hundred thousand dollars in perfect condition. But this line up only gets weirder because before Supreme was a mainstream label, it made a line of knock off Louis Vuitton inspired supreme goods. The items were so popular that they got a cease and desist from Louis Vuitton after only two weeks of sale. Supreme pulled the item from shelves after that, but first impressions don’t matter when there is money to be made. This is at least to my knowledge, the first time a brand has collaborated with someone they also sued for knock off products.
10. Colgate
There is one main reason this 6-ounce tube of toothpaste ranks higher than the Ludens collaboration in terms of being bizarre. This toothpaste with the signature Supreme branding is the only item part of this collaboration. No shirts, hats, or any other item has been announced as of the writing of this article. With Ludens at least we got shirts and hats. There is not much to this collaboration, but that works in its favor. I know whenever it drops I will be adding it to my collection though.
UPDATE ONE MONTH LATER: It has been a month since I wrote the article above, and they dropped the Colgate collab… I totally got this piece. Surprisingly, it was only $3 and is one of those granddaddy huge tubes of toothpaste. Great piece in my opinion, no regrets.
Supreme is one of the most in your face fashion brands there is, and I think there is something to say about their willingness to collaborate with anyone. What that thing is probably can not be said by me though because I am not smart. Did we forget any collaborations here? If we did make sure to let me know in the comments down below!
Senior at Central State University. Major in Broadcast Media!