8 Morning Activities To Start Your Day Off Right

Mornings. Love them or hate them, you gotta face ’em!
Research suggests that simple morning activities can make a big impact on your mindset and motivation. So whether you’re a total early bird or absolutely despise the sound of your alarm clock, incorporating some activities into your morning routine will help you feel energised and ready for the day. Here are 8 morning activities that will help kickstart your day!
1. Make your bed
Although it doesn’t sound like much, taking the time to make your bed in the morning is the key to a super productive mindset. You’ll already have accomplished one task that day, and who’s to stop you accomplishing more? Plus, if you end up having a really terrible day, at least you’ll have a nice, neat bed to climb into at the end of it!
2. Listen to some uplifting music
Preferably some fast-paced, upbeat music. Listening to music first thing in the morning is extremely beneficial for the brain. As well as boosting your mood and making you feel happy, upbeat music encourages conceptual thought. Stick on your favourite playlist and get ready for the day!
3. Do some form of exercise
Whether it’s half an hour of yoga or a quick run, incorporating some form of exercise into your morning routine is a great way to get you pumped for the day ahead. Exercising in the morning can help boost metabolism, inspire you to stay active throughout the day, and improve your sleep when the day is over.
4. Write down your goals for the day
Jotting down targets for the day is one of those morning activities that everyone says they’ll do, but never get round to doing. Invest in a journal or notebook and note down everything you want to achieve that day, be it big or small. This will give you a clear focus for the hours ahead, and make you feel totally positive.
5. Drink a large glass of water
Hydration is key! The simplest of morning activities, drinking water first thing in the morning will fuel your brain and replenish your fluids. If you’re partial to a caffeine boost, try to drink at least one large glass of water before reaching for the coffee.
6. Spend no longer than 15 minutes on your phone
Instead of spending hours scrolling through social media last thing before bed, try to put your phone down at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Then when you wake up in the morning, you can spend a bit of time catching up on whatever you missed the night before.
Check your emails, have a look down Facebook, but don’t spend any more than 15 minutes on your phone. Even better, read an article or something similar that will stimulate your mind. Remember to turn your phone brightness up to maximum, as the light will help engage your brain and make you feel awake.
7. Prepare a healthy lunch
Although popping to Subway for your lunch may seem appealing, why not set aside a few minutes in the morning to prepare something healthy to eat? Maybe you fancy a chicken salad, or feel like throwing together some tuna pasta. Whatever you’re in the mood for, making yourself a healthy lunch first thing is the perfect activity to start your day with. Plus, you’ll feel all the better for having some good food at midday.
8. Read some poetry
There’s nothing quite like some motivational poetry in the morning to start your day off right. Try ‘Don’t Quit’ by Edgar Albert Guest, or ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley.
Which of these morning activities help you feel ready the day? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image Source: https://unsplash.com/search/photos/morning