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15 Moments In Supernatural That Gave Us All The Feels

We laughed until our insides hurt; sobbed until we ran out of tears. Our hearts were won over by ‘profound bonds’, a trenchcoat-wearing angel, and the most heartwarming brotherly duo to ever bless TV. 

As Supernatural heads into its 15th and final season, we’re celebrating its epic journey by taking a look at 15 special moments that well and truly pulled at our heartstrings. 

1. “I am so proud of you” – John says his goodbye to Dean (Season 2, Episode 1).

Let’s not sugarcoat this, John was no role model when it came to fatherhood. His treatment of Sam and Dean is certainly questionable, while his obsession with avenging Mary’s death stripped both his sons from the life they often mourn. Despite that, as John sobs his mistakes to Dean in this scene, we’re reminded of the fact that he really does love his boys and is prepared to sacrifice his lifelong fight (and indeed, his own life) for theirs. 

2. “You’re wrong about humanity!” – Metatron stands up to Chuck/God (Season 11, Episode 20).

This scene likely gave us a strange feels moment. From being number 1 on our most hated list, we suddenly find that we’re agreeing with Metatron; siding with him even. After realising that God is prepared to leave the world to suffer, Metatron stands with humanity and calls out his cowardice – proving to us that even villains like this guy can show compassion and stand up for what is right.  

3. “I got you” – Sam dies in Dean’s arms (Season 2, Episode 21).

It’s no hidden secret in this show that Dean’s primary motive is to just keep his little brother safe. Unfortunately in this episode that all came crashing down. It may have only been in the second season, but the raw emotion and despair in Dean’s final cry still hits me now. 

4. “Promise me you won’t get out of bed.” – Dean speaks to a younger Mary (Season 4, Episode 3).

Imagine if you could change the fate of a tragic moment in your life. This is exactly what Dean hoped for when he miraculously got the chance to go back in time to meet the mother he never had the chance of growing up with. Tear-filled and fully aware of the odds stacked against him, Dean still hopelessly pleads with a younger Mary not to get out of bed on the morning of her death. 

5. “I just want to be loved.” – Crowley becomes human (Season 8, Episode 23).

He was evil. He murdered, tortured, manipulated and betrayed. But when humanity was injected back into him, it all boiled down to one thing: he was never loved. Suddenly, with his cruel childhood brought to the surface, we start to see beneath the surface. That, alongside his eventual place on the Winchester team, is what made him the fan favourite he left as. 

6. “Don’t ‘night moves’ me!” – Sam and Dean share a brotherly moment (Season 11, Episode 4).

There are occasional moments of happiness on this show, and no better than to see the boys finally getting a break from the distress of normality. Setting off for the big road trip ahead, Dean playfully teases Sam, pops on Bob Seger’s Night Moves, and the two sing and chat the journey away without a care in the world. It’s the little things!

7. “… And you did nothing.” – Dean finally confronts Chuck/God (Season 11, Episode 21).

Dean’s faith in God was never strong. Although, after everything he and Sam had been through, it seems to have hit him far worse that there was indeed a God all along. Dean’s emotional questioning and confrontation to Chuck releases his inner despair over suffering which could have been prevented, while simultaneously hitting home for plenty of viewers.

8. “I always come when you call.” – Castiel and Dean’s friendship hits a curb (Season 6, Episode 21).

The bond between Dean and Cas is undoubtedly one of the most heartwarming journeys most viewers of this show have experienced. Whether you’re a Destiel shipper or simply love their friendship platonically, this scene would have distressed many fans. In earlier seasons, Cas was well known for lacking emotional attachment, making it all the more touching when here, after hitting heads, Cas finally returns Dean’s familial regards and pleads for him to not turn away. 

9. “Who are you going to turn to next time instead of me?” – Sam doesn’t care to survive the trials (Season 8, Episode 23).

What’s worse than a Winchester dying? A Winchester wanting to die. Devoid of strength and willingness, Sam’s distressing low self-esteem alongside frustrations over his rocky relationship with Dean eventually hit very hard in this episode – to the point where he doesn’t even want to live anymore. It’s certainly a tear-jerking moment, and Jared’s own experience with depression makes it even more powerful. 

10. “I hate you… and I love you.” – Dean confronts Mary on the past (Season 12, Episode 22).

Throughout his life, Dean has always idealised the memory of his mother. It therefore doesn’t make it easy when 30+ years later, he finally gets to know the real her – warts and all. Some truths soon start to hit home, and Dean finally realises that Mary is in fact responsible for a great deal of the suffering he and Sam faced. In an emotional confrontation, Dean accepts and forgives Mary for who she really is, flaws included. 

See Also

11. “What am I supposed to do?” – Dean struggles to cope with Sam’s death (Season 2, Episode 22).

If Dean’s reaction to Sam’s actual death wasn’t heartbreaking enough, his struggle to deal with the loss will prove just how deep their relationship ran and continues to run throughout their journey. After concluding that he mentally can’t cope with being alone, Dean pours his heart and tears out before embarking on the first act of sacrifice that will continue to run during the rest of the show. 

12. “They grew up heroes.” – Bobby confronts the memory of his abusive father (Season 7, Episode 10).

This episode takes us on a whirlwind of a journey; unlocking keys to Bobby’s past, while forcing him to say goodbye to the world and boys he came to love as sons. This moment in particular unveils truths to Bobby’s character: why he was sometimes emotionally dismissive and why he adamantly refused to have children, which effectively all came down to his abusive father. Bobby finally stands up to this memory and admits that he was capable of loving others after all.  

13. “I remember this…” – Dean re-lives his favourite memory in Heaven (Season 5, Episode 16).

Which memory of yours would you love to re-live over and over again? We needn’t ask Dean, as this episode reveals that his happiest moments are none other than with his brother. With a heartwarming, childlike innocence, a young Sam and Dean slip from under the hands of their once domineering father and embark on a firework spectacle. No extravagance; no drama. Just the two of them, together. 

14. “I could go with you.” – Castiel hugs Dean goodbye (Season 11, Episode 23).

Goodbyes are never easy, especially when the person won’t be coming back. With Dean about to embark on a suicidal mission to defeat the Darkness, Cas offers to accompany him. This certainly speaks volumes about their regard for each other; proving that Cas is willing to stand by Dean’s side even if doing so would only result in their dying together. 

15. “I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.” – Dean finally opens up about his time in Hell (Season 4, Episode 10).

We weren’t expecting Dean to come back from Hell with happy memories, but I don’t think anyone was quite expecting the emotional distress that this scene would provide us with. After continuously internalising the tormenting experiences, Dean finally confronts his trauma in front of Sam and ultimately breaks down in one of the most powerful and painful moments of the entire show. 

Which moments in Supernatural sent you on an emotional-roller coaster? Would you add any more to our list? Comment your favourites down below!

Featured image source:
Chelsea Watkiss

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