Just when you’re at the top of the food chain, become friends with all your teachers, and know the school like the back of your hand, you’re thrown back to the bottom not knowing anything. Don’t worry though, you have four years to learn everything! Here’s a few do’s and do not’s to help you with your first year, and welcome to Geneseo!!!
Whether your RA is hosting a floor event or GLK has something going on in the Union, GO!!! They’re fun and you will meet new people! Plus they give out free stuff so what do you have to lose? (My first semester I got 4 free t-shirts and a free hat!)
If you’re not 21, you can’t get in the front door!! Go to the back, open the door, pay your $5.00 ($10 after midnight!!!!) and get two nice big “X’s” on your hands.
If you don’t wash off the big X’s as soon as you get home, those babies will stay there for a week straight, trust me…
Everyone is worried about not having enough money but most people end up with extra, and everyone knows someone who has extra at the end of the semester and it DOESN’T transfer over unless you have $50 or less.
You will want to take selfies in the comfort of your own room without being judged by the person walking by in the hallway or coming into the bathroom.
You don’t want to be the one person who has to walk outside in a towel with wet hair because the fire alarm went off and you didn’t have a cover up. Be like Jennifer Aniston…
It’s okay to say no to your friends. Sometimes you just need time to yourself to eat a lot of food and binge watch your favorites series on Netflix.
You don’t have to drink a lot just to prove yourself. Have a couple of drinks, but know your limit and don’t be the one freshman everyone is talking about for the whole year.
Geneseo has a few different shuttles including a Dining Hall Shuttle a Shuttle to Rochester and a Shuttle that will take you around campus but also to Wegmans and Walmart. Ask the driver if he’s going where you need and if he’s not don’t get on!!!
Talk to the person next to you!! You’re going to regret it when you’re sitting in Newton and you have no one to talk to for the entire first semester. Who knows, they might just become the Ross to your Joey or the Monica to your Phoebe.
Each residence hall has quiet hours where you are required to simmer down and not blast your music. Respect this and everyone in your hall will thank you. Abuse this, and you will create a lot of enemies. Just because you don’t have an 8:30 class tomorrow morning, doesn’t mean your neighbor doesn’t.
All freshmen are on campus well before their first day. It’s August, and it’s nice out- take a walk and ask for help if you need it, most people will be glad to help.
This might seem obvious, but writing a 5 paragraph essay in High School the night before is different than writing a 5 page paper in college.
Even though it’s the summer, some professors assign homework. Although it doesn’t happen a lot, it does happen and they do matter. Also, during the school year, not only will professors email you, but you will get updates about what’s going on around campus.
Don’t let anyone tell you you can pass the class just by reading the textbook and looking at the slides online. Even if the professor doesn’t take attendance, you should go.
A lot of your class will be Bio-Med, Pre-Med, Biology, or anything having to do with science. That’s great, but don’t feel bad if you’re a writing, humanities or education major!! You should be proud of what you’re going for.
Geneseo went “green” a couple years ago and they took the paper towels out of the bathrooms and didn’t put hand dryers in. Unless you use the guest bathroom, bring a towel so you can dry your hands and not grab the door handle with wet hands.
Yes, you can have a car on campus as a Freshman, but you don’t need one. You will meet at least one person with a car. That being said, don’t abuse the fact that they have a car, but just know that will be there for emergencies and late night UHots runs.
Unless you have homework prior to your first day of classes, wait until your professor tells you if you do or do not need that expensive book for your class. If you do, use Amazon, Chegg or rent used ones at the bookstore.
College is a time where you are free from the restraints of your parents and get to do your own thing, but you need to figure out what works for you. Learn how to balance clubs, schoolwork and going out and remember, you can say no!
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