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20 Mistakes Every Kent State University Freshman Makes

20 Mistakes Every Kent State University Freshman Makes

There are plenty of mistakes every Kent State University freshman makes. We've put them together so you don't make them your freshman year!

So, welcome back to the bottom of the food chain. Fear not though, you most likely won’t have to deal with the cliques, lockers, and long 8 hour school days (no promises though). College is a whole new world full of the best and worst days, along with many changes. As freshman make this transition, many desire to smoothly fit in and survive their first semester. Kent State University is a large university, yet it can be easy to stand out as a freshman. There are plenty of mistakes every Kent State University freshman makes. There are ways though to easily fit in while adjusting to the changes all around you so that you can have that unforgettable first semester/year along with the next four years ahead!

1. Proudly wearing your lanyard and ID all over campus.

This is a mistake made by all freshmen, yet its time to just leave it at the door. Wearing this is equivalent to having FRESHMAN written across your forehead. So, if you enjoy the attention go for it, if not then invest in a wallet or a cardholder for your phone.

2. Packing everything you own.

Bring the minimum, and that does not include the yearbooks that have been collecting dust for the past 4 years. You are living in a small dorm room along with a roommate, you’ll be thankful for all the space you can get. Plus, if you don’t bring something you really need, it is only a FedEx ride away.



3. Fridays and 7:45 A.M. classes are a big scheduling no.

DO NOT DO IT, unless you have to. Going into college you may feel motivated thinking you can do anything, but you won’t be feeling so great waking up in any weather for a 7:45 A.M. class.  For Fridays, its just a nice addition to your weekend and who wouldn’t enjoy that. So, save yourself now.

4. Don’t make missing class a habit.

Missing class happens at some point to every student and it is okay. Yet, it is a dangerous habit to fall into and not be able to recover from. So make use of the money you’re paying for these classes and learn something whether you’re half asleep or not.


5. Say goodbye to procrastination.

Everybody is cursed with a little bit of procrastination in their life. On those free days though, don’t just knock out a whole season of How I Met Your Mother, but do a little work. You’ll be thankful when you don’t have to stay in on Thursday night because you have to do your 10 page paper that was assigned 3 weeks ago.

6. Hub hours heartbreak.

You will one day be trying to grab food on the way from your class in Henderson ending at 11:30 to your next one in Merrill starting at 11:50 stopping at the convenient Hub sitting there with multiple food options. Until you remember that it is the commuters time from 11-2 so you cannot use your meal plan and thus you must walk to your class stomach growling. Don’t let your heart be broken and plan a new quick spot for a snack.

7. Be active, be healthy, and be happy.

Although the rec seems to be a walk across the entire world (especially if you live in Dunbar or Prentice), it is a must go place for everyone whether you’ve even been to a gym before or not. Exercise is great for you mentally and physically, especially if you are trying to avoid that freshman 15! P.S. the smoothies are delicious, so at least go there to try one.


8. Food Truck sent from heaven.

As a freshman, you don’t realize at first the appreciation for good food until you are constantly eating the University food over and over. It is then that where the KSU food truck known as, The Fork in the Road, is in your path to class. Take the few minutes out of your day and get something, it’ll shine a little light on your long day of classes.


9. Bus ride nerves…

Although, you can get lost on a bus and end up in the town over, the bus is a life saver. Freshmen think that walking is the easiest solution (and it certainly can), but life is much smoother when you don’t have to fight the crazy winds, snow, and cold air.


10. Rosie’s late night snack letdown.

Rosie’s is the place to go for that greasy food after a long, late night out. You can’t enter and score the motzie sticks though if you don’t bring your student ID card. So, freshmen don’t be the one sitting outside while your friends indulge in the cheesy goodness.

11. Starbucks and less bucks for me.

There are an endless amount of people who are in love with Starbucks. Yet, many freshmen don’t know the secret to getting their obsession without spending their money. The key is the Starbucks in the Q, all dreams come true there as they accept your meal plan. Don’t be fooled though, this is the only one and the others do not.

12. Books are not always the right answer.

College books are unbelievably expensive and will make you heart tear into pieces and your wallet empty. To avoid such pain, do not follow the course recommendations until your professor specifically tells you what you or do not need to buy for class.


13. Writing Commons are the new superheroes.

Many people forget, don’t know, or simply just disregard the paper reviewing resource in the writing commons in the library. This is where you can submit your paper either in person or online to be reviewed by someone and receive feed back at the cost of nothing!

See Also
Tips Every UCI Freshman Should Know

14. Keeping in contact.

Sure, college is new and exciting with endless things to do or participate in, but don’t forget your family. Once you are on your own, you will begin to appreciate your parents, even if they drove you crazy. So, whether it is just for 5 minutes, give them a call, it’ll make their day and probably yours too.


15. Watch out for the freshman 15.

Some believe in the freshman 15 and some don’t. It all depends on how you will adjust to the freedom of your eating habits. So although you can have chicken fingers everyday, consider maybe a different plan before it sneaks up on your butt.

16. Young, Wild, and Free!

College is known as some of the best times of your life as you go out to parties, spend late nights with friends, and live life up. Yet, don’t get caught up in it all. Learn to balance your college lifestyle, so you can walk away with good memories AND a degree.

17. Professors are not monsters.

There are a few scary and intimidating professors out there, but they are still open to talk. Don’t be scared to go to their office hours or email them if you do not understand the material and/or have questions. It’s a better option that failing and watching your GPA crumble.


18. Not so VSCO.

Plain and simple, be careful what you post online. Maybe it doesn’t seem like a big deal now, but when you’re trying to get your dream job in the future and the picture of you with a little too low cut of a shirt and a handle of vodka in your hand pops up, you won’t be looking too professional. So, just don’t be that person and keep stuff (if you have it) to yourself.

19. Dorm sweet dorm, not.

Although there are times when it is nice to relax alone in your dorm room and take a nap or knock out some Netflix, don’t live there 24/7. As a freshman this is a good time to reach out and meet new people whether it be at the library or the dorm’s lounge.

20. Deciding a major is not the end of the world.

Choosing a major at some point will become a big decision, but Freshman year is not the time to stress. Explore your options and test out different areas. You have 4 years to figure things out, and it isn’t something set in stone, so just figure out what you love over the time here at Kent State.

What are some other mistakes every Kent State University freshman makes? Comment below!
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