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30 Minute Quick Full Body Workout

30 Minute Quick Full Body Workout

This 30 Minute Quick Full Body Workout is the perfect handful of exercises when you’re running low on time and need to get in a quick effective workout.  Repeat this workout for a total of 3 repetitions, a minute each, equating to 30 minutes 

1. High Knees 

To get your heart rate pumping, the workout begins with High Knee’s. Run in place for one minute extending your hands in front of you, palms down, with your elbows bent at the side. Try to have your knee’s touch the bottom of your palms as you’re running, making sure to really push through your foot when you it touches the floor to send that knee flying up. The benefit of this workout helps warm up all the muscles throughout your body, and acting as a quick cardio workout. 


2. Jumping Jacks 

Just like High Knee’s, jumping jacks serve the same purpose. It’s useful in getting your heart-rate up and warming up the muscles throughout your body for any other intensive workout.  Stand straight with your legs together, arms at the side. When you jump, spread your legs out to be shoulder-with apart and extend your arms over your head touching pointer fingers together. 

3.  Squats 

Squats focus on your glutes and hamstrings. They’re particularly important in growing the booty. A simple bodyweight squat activates almost every muscle in your lower body and your core. To perform a squat correctly, stand with your feet separated a little further than your hips. Toes should be pointed outward, and while looking at a spot in front of you, breathe through your core and lower down as if you’re going to sit on a chair. Focus on keeping your knees in line with your feet. The objective is not to do a certain number of squats, but to do as many as you can correctly in one minute.  


4. Forward Lunges 

The Forward Lunge is also a bodyweight exercise that works your lower body. It specifically targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Done correctly, lunges can also aid in flexibility and joint strength. To execute a lunge correctly, stand upright with feet hip-width apart. Step forward with your right leg, and lower your body until your right shin is vertical. Pulse up and done for 30 seconds, and then switch to your left leg and repeat again for another 30 seconds. You should feel this exercise particularly in your thighs.


5. Burpees 

Burpees are personally a favorite. They put every single muscle of your body to work. By targeting your arms, chest, abs, and glutes this exercise really puts every second of time to use. To do a burpee, get into a squat position and place your hands in front of you on the floor, kick your feet back so you’re in a push-up position, and drop your chest to the floor. Place your chest up and kick back into the squat position. Right after, jump into the air.

6. Wall Sit 

Wall-sits look easy when demonstrated, but much harder to actually put into practice. A wall-sit is considered a compound exercise because while it targets your lower body, it also activates your core. The wall sit requires you to place your back against a wall and lean against it. You lower yourself down till you’re in a seated position with your back still against the wall and hold that position for a minute.  This workout can be done anywhere if you need to get a quick workout in. All you need is a wall. 


7. Push-ups 

Push-ups are a classic exercise that work the upper body. They target your triceps and shoulders, and strengthen your back muscles as well. To do a proper pushup, get in a plank position where your hands are on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be hip distance behind you, and your back should be flat. Make sure from your neck to your boot, it’s a straight line instead of your back being higher or your butt being higher, Lower your body to the floor, your elbows at this point are bent and point out. Keep lowering yourself until your chin or chest touch the floor, and then push up through your hands until you’re back in plank position. Repeat as many times as you can for one minute. 

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8.  Mountain Climbers 

This exercise is known for targeting various muscles throughout your body and acts as a quick cardio workout. It activates your arms, shoulders, quads, and core. Being a beginner exercise, your fitness level does not have to be advanced to be able to do this. To start off, get in a plank position and bring one knee to your chest and then out again, alternating between knees. Speed up until you got a good rhythm going and you’re breaking a sweat. You’ll start to feel this particularly in your quads and core. 

9. Russian Twists 


Russian Twists engage your core by activating your lower abdomen and upper abdomen, as well as your obliques. It’s a perfect quick ab workout when you’re tight on time. While strengthing your abdomen, it also works on your spine by working on your stability and balance. Get into position by sitting on the floor and bringing your legs out in front of you. Lean back slightly, you’ll start to feel your core becoming engaged. Make sure your legs are lifted from the floor and are crossed at the ankles. At this point, twist your torso from side to side without moving your legs. Keep doing this for one minute. You’ll be sure to feel it in the morning 

10. Heel Touches 

Another one of my personal favorite workouts, heel touches add an element of fun to a rather quick ab workout. After your Russian Twists, your abs are probably starting to burn, so this workout is the perfect way to end things off. This particular exercise works on your obliques and abs. Get into position by laying on your back, with bent knees ensuring your feet are planted on the ground parallel to your hips. Raise your chest slightly off the floor and with your arms to the side, use your abs to rotate your right hand to your right foot, and then repeat the same to your left foot. Alternate back and forth, feeling a burning sensation to occur in your abs until the one minute is over. 


What are some of your favorite quick workouts to do? Let us know in the comments !

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